base: 2.6.39 # The following patches and/or downloads should be done in the # top level kernel source directory. # Patches can be checked with (for example): # 'patch -p1 --dry-run < ../gpio_dev26385a.patch' # and if that works drop the "--dry-run" to apply. # # My patches indicated by leading "../" can be found at # ../gpio_dev26385a.patch ../i2c-at91_2637dpg2.patch wget # or ../2639.config copied to .config wget # this file takes precedence over the Makefile in that directory. # The kernel executable is called uImage on the kernel modules are # placed in the foxg20-modules directory. Both uImage and those # kernel modules need to be moved to the target FoxG20. # build the kernel with 'make; make modules_install'. Depending on # the .config chosen, a few or a lot of selections may need to be # made. # Note: Acme's .config selects way too many modules, most of which # will never be used. This slows down the build and leads to # some silly selection questions (e.g. "want the latest xyz Fibre # Channel adapter driver?"). Could someone contribute a "tighter" # .config file?