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Attempting defaults... /sbin/init/etc/init/bin/init/bin/shNo init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance.Too many boot init vars at `%s'<4>Parameter %s is obsolete, ignored Too many boot env vars at `%s'earlycon<4>Malformed early option '%s' early options<5>%s<5>Kernel command line: %s Booting kernel<4>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled *very* early, fixing it <2>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled early <2>initrd overwritten (0x%08lx < 0x%08lx) - disabling it. <7>calling %pF @ %i <7>initcall %pF returned %d after %lld usecs error code %d preemption imbalance disabled interrupts initcall %pF returned with %s /dev/console<4>Warning: unable to open an initial console. HOME=/TERM=linuxPARTUUID=/PARTNROFF=%d%c<3>VFS: PARTUUID= is invalid. Expected PARTUUID=[/PARTNROFF=%%d] <3>Disabling rootwait; root= is invalid. /dev/%u:%unfs<6>VFS: Mounted root (%s filesystem)%s on device %u:%u. VFS: Cannot open root device "%s" or %s Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on %sList of all partitions: No filesystem could mount root, tried: /dev/root<5>VFS: Insert %s and press ENTER <6>Waiting %dsec before mounting root device... mtdubi<6>Waiting for root device %s... <3>%s <3>RAMDISK: incomplete write (%d != %d) <3>RAMDISK: error while reading compressed data<3>RAMDISK: EOF while reading compressed data/dev/ram<5>RAMDISK: %s image found at block %d <0>RAMDISK: %s decompressor not configured! <5>RAMDISK: romfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: cramfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: squashfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Minix filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at %d. RAMDISK: image too big! (%dKiB/%ldKiB) /initrd.image<3>RAMDISK: could not determine device size <3>RAMDISK: could not allocate buffer <5>RAMDISK: Loading %dKiB [%ld disk%s] into ram disk... done disk #%d. Error closing the disk. disk #%dError opening disk. Loading disk #%d... %cdone. root floppy disk to be loaded into RAM diskokay /dev/root.old/old/linuxrc<5>Trying to move old root to /initrd ... /root/initrd/initrd does not exist. Ignored. <5>Unmounting old root <5>Trying to free ramdisk memory ... junk in compressed archivecan't allocate buffersdecompressor failedcompression method %s not configuredbroken paddingcan't allocate link hash entryTRAILER!!!can't allocate dir_entry buffer070707incorrect cpio method used: use -H newc option070701no cpio magic<6>Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs... init/initramfs.c<6>rootfs image is not initramfs (%s); looks like an initrd <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped) already calibrated this CPU<6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. <6>Calibrating delay loop... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS (lpj=%lu) nwfpe<4>NetWinder Floating Point Emulator V0.97 (double precision) %*s: %10lu Err<4>Bad IRQ%u <3>Trying to set irq flags for IRQ%d Reboot failed -- System halted arch/arm/kernel/process.cCPU: %d %s (%s %.*s) PC is at %s LR is at %s pc : [<%08lx>] lr : [<%08lx>] psr: %08lx sp : %08lx ip : %08lx fp : %08lx r10: %08lx r9 : %08lx r8 : %08lx r7 : %08lx r6 : %08lx r5 : %08lx r4 : %08lx r3 : %08lx r2 : %08lx r1 : %08lx r0 : %08lx Flags: %s IRQs o%s FIQs o%s Mode %s ISA %s Segment %s Table: %08x DAC: %08xControl: %08x%s Pid: %d, comm: %20s [vectors]USER_26FIQ_26IRQ_26SVC_26UK4_26UK5_26UK6_26UK7_26UK8_26UK9_26UK10_26UK11_26UK12_26UK13_26UK14_26UK15_26USER_32FIQ_32IRQ_32SVC_32UK4_32UK5_32UK6_32ABT_32UK8_32UK9_32UK10_32UND_32UK12_32UK13_32UK14_32SYS_32ARMThumbJazelleThumbEEr1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8r9r10lrcpsrORIG_r0cpuProcessor : %s rev %d (%s) BogoMIPS : %lu.%02lu Features : CPU implementer : 0x%02x CPU architecture: %s CPU part : %07x CPU variant : 0x%02x CPU variant : 0x%x CPU part : 0x%03x CPU revision : %d Hardware : %s Revision : %04x Serial : %08x%08x Available machine support: ID (hex) NAME %08x %s Please check your kernel config and/or bootloader. <2>NR_BANKS too low, ignoring memory at 0x%08llx CPU configuration botched (ID %08x), unable to continue. CPU: %s [%08x] revision %d (ARMv%s), cr=%08lx %s%cCPU: %s data cache, %s instruction cache VIVTMachine: %s Error: unrecognized/unsupported machine ID (r1 = 0x%08x). System RAM<4>Ignoring unrecognised tag 0x%08x undefined/unknown4T5T5TE5TEJ6TEJ?(11)?(12)?(13)?(14)?(15)?(16)?(17)Video RAMKernel textKernel dataswphalfthumb26bitfastmultfpavfpedspjavaiwmmxtcrunchthumbeeneonvfpv3vfpv3d16tlsvfpv4idivaidivt%s called, but not implemented xchg: bad data size: pc 0x%p, ptr 0x%p, size %d %s%s(0x%08lx to 0x%08lx) %08lx ????????%s%04lx:%s Backtrace: no frame pointerinvalid frame pointer 0x%08xframe pointer underflowDivision by zero in kernel. [<%08lx>] (%pS) from [<%08lx>] (%pS) Exception stack(%0*x) %0*x <0>Internal error: %s: %x [#%d] <0>Process %.*s (pid: %d, stack limit = 0x%p) <0>Stack: bad PC value%sCode: %s Fatal exception in interruptFatal exceptionOops - bad syscallOops - undefined instructionHmm. Unexpected FIQ received, but trying to continue You may have a hardware problem... <2>Bad mode in %s handler detected Oops - bad modebranch through zeroOops - bad syscall(2)unknown data abort code%s:%d: bad pte %08llx. %s:%d: bad pmd %08llx. %s:%d: bad pgd %08llx. prefetch abortdata abortaddress exception offleds<3>%s: section %u reloc %u: bad relocation sym offset <3>%s: section %u reloc %u sym '%s': out of bounds relocation, offset %d size %u <3>%s: section %u reloc %u sym '%s': relocation %u out of range (%#lx -> %#x) <3>%s: unknown relocation: %u .pv_table.alt.smp.initarch/arm/kernel/setup.carch/arm/kernel/traps.carch/arm/mm/dma-mapping.carch/arm/mm/fault.carch/arm/mm/mmu.c<3>%s: no memory <3>%s: no pud tables <3>%s: no pte tables coherent DMA mask is unset coherent DMA mask %#llx is smaller than system GFP_DMA mask %#llx <3>%s: not initialised <3>%s: trying to free invalid coherent area: %p <3>%s: freeing wrong coherent size (%ld != %d) <2>%s: bad page in kernel page table <1>pgd = %p <1>[%08lx] *pgd=%08llx(bad), *pte=%08llx, *ppte=%08llxNULL pointer dereferencepaging request<1>Unable to handle kernel %s at virtual address %08lx OopsI-cache maintenance faultsection access flag fault<1>Unhandled fault: %s (0x%03x) at 0x%08lx <1>Unhandled prefetch abort: %s (0x%03x) at 0x%08lx vector exceptionalignment exceptionterminal exceptionexternal abort on linefetchsection translation faultpage translation faultexternal abort on non-linefetchsection domain faultpage domain faultexternal abort on translationsection permission faultpage permission faultunknown 16unknown 17unknown 18unknown 19lock abortunknown 21imprecise external abortunknown 23dcache parity errorunknown 25unknown 26unknown 27unknown 28unknown 29unknown 30unknown 31unknown 0unknown 1debug eventunknown 4page access flag faultunknown 10unknown 20unknown 22unknown 24<4>ATAG_INITRD is deprecated; please update your bootloader. Mem-info: %d pages of RAM %d free pages %d reserved pages %d slab pages %d pages shared %d pages swap cached <3>INITRD: 0x%08lx+0x%08lx is not a memory region - disabling initrd <3>INITRD: 0x%08lx+0x%08lx overlaps in-use memory region - disabling initrd <6>Memory: %ldMB = %luMB total <5>Memory: %luk/%luk available, %luk reserved, %luK highmem <5>Virtual kernel memory layout: vector : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) fixmap : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) vmalloc : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) lowmem : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) modules : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) .text : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4d kB) .init : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4d kB) .data : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4d kB) .bss : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4d kB) <6>Freeing %s memory: %dK enabling work-aroundunable to map memory unable to grab page <6>CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: failed, %s ok arch/arm/mm/ioremap.c<4>vmalloc area too small, limiting to %luMB <4>vmalloc area is too big, limiting to %luMB <4>Only cachepolicy=writeback supported on ARMv6 and later <3>ERROR: unknown or unsupported cache policy <4>nowb is deprecated; use cachepolicy=%s uncached<4>nocache is deprecated; use cachepolicy=%s buffered<4>BUG: not creating mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx in user region <4>BUG: mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx overlaps vmalloc space <3>MM: CPU does not support supersection mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx <3>MM: invalid domain in supersection mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx <3>MM: cannot create mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx invalid alignment <4>BUG: map for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx can not be mapped using pages, ignoring. <5>Ignoring RAM at %.8llx-%.8llx (vmalloc region overlap). <5>Truncating RAM at %.8llx-%.8llx to -%.8llx (vmalloc region overlap). disMemory policy: ECC %sabled, Data cache %s <4>%s: allocation too big (requested %#x) User: %lu System: %lu Skipped: %lu Half: %lu DWord: %lu Multi: %lu User faults: %i (%s) cpu/alignment<4>alignment: ignoring faults is unsafe on this CPU. Defaulting to fixup mode. <3>LDMSTM: PC = %08lx, instr = %08lx, addr = %08lx, eaddr = %08lx <3>Alignment trap: not handling ldm with s-bit set <3>Alignment trap: not handling swp instruction <3>Alignment trap: not handling instruction %0*lx at [<%08lx>] Alignment trap: %s (%d) PC=0x%08lx Instr=0x%0*lx Address=0x%08lx FSR 0x%03x ignoredfixupfixup+warnsignalsignal+warnAICat91_gpioPin PIO%c %i: GPIO:%s[%s] GPIO%s%d: [gpio] %s [periph %s] <6>AT91: %d gpio irqs in %d banks GPIO<6>AT91: filled in soc subtype: %s <6>AT91: sram at 0x%lx of 0x%x mapped at 0x%lx AT91: Impossible to detect the SOC type<6>AT91: Detected soc type: %s <6>AT91: Detected soc subtype: %s AT91: Soc not enabledat91rm9200 BGAat91rm9200 PQFPat91cap9 revBat91cap9 revCat91sam9xeat91sam9g45esat91sam9m10at91sam9g46at91sam9m11at91sam9g15at91sam9g35at91sam9x35at91sam9g25at91sam9x25Unknownat91rm9200at91cap9at91sam9260at91sam9261at91sam9263at91sam9g10at91sam9g20at91sam9g45at91sam9rlat91sam9x5at91_clkSCSR = %8x PCSR = %8x MOR = %8x MCFR = %8x PLLA = %8x PLLB = %8x MCKR = %8x SR = %8x %-10s users=%2d %-3s %9ld Hz %s <6>Clocks: PLLA overclocked, %ld MHz Clocks: CPU %u MHz, master %u MHz, main %u.%03u MHz mckutmi_clkmainclk32kpllapllbuhpckudpckatmel_usart.0atmel_usart.1atmel_usart.2atmel_usart.3atmel_usart.4atmel_usart.5atmel_usart.6atmel_spi.0spi_clkatmel_spi.1atmel_tcb.0atmel_tcb.1ssc.0pclkfffff200.serialfffb0000.serialfffb4000.serialfffb8000.serialfffd0000.serialfffd4000.serialfffd8000.serialat91_ohcihclkpck0pck1usart0_clkusart1_clkusart2_clkusart3_clkusart4_clkusart5_clkpioA_clkpioB_clkpioC_clkadc_clkmci_clkudc_clktwi_clkspi0_clkspi1_clkssc_clktc0_clktc1_clktc2_clkohci_clkmacb_clkisi_clktc3_clktc4_clktc5_clkarch/arm/mach-at91/at91sam926x_time.cpitat91_tick<6>AT91: No default serial console defined. macbat91_mciatmel_nandi2c-gpioatmel_spiatmel_usartat91_rttat91_wdtatmel_tcbAcme Systems srl FOX Board G20at91_i2cuser_ledheartbeatw1-gpioleds-gpio (with slow clock mode)<6>AT91: Power Management%s <6>AT91: Starting after %s %s <3>AT91: PM - Suspend-to-RAM with USB still active <3>AT91: PM - Suspend-to-RAM with PCK%d src %d <6>AT91: PM - no slow clock mode enabled ... WFIWait for interruptRAM_SRWFI and RAM Self Refresh<3>at91_init_cpuidle: Failed registering arch/arm/mach-at91/gpio.carch/arm/mach-at91/clock.ckernel/sched_idletask.ckernel/sched_stoptask.ckernel/sched_rt.ckernel/sched_fair.ckernel/sched.ckernel/fork.ckernel/printk.ckernel/exit.cinclude/linux/ptrace.hinclude/linux/pid_namespace.hkernel/softirq.ckernel/resource.ckernel/sysctl.ckernel/capability.ckernel/ptrace.ckernel/timer.ckernel/signal.ckernel/sys.ckernel/kmod.ckernel/workqueue.ckernel/params.cinclude/linux/scatterlist.hkernel/kfifo.ckernel/posix-cpu-timers.ckernel/hrtimer.ckernel/notifier.ckernel/cred.ckernel/time/clockevents.ckernel/futex.ckernel/rtmutex_common.hkernel/module.ckernel/kallsyms.ckernel/power/qos.ckernel/power/process.ckernel/power/suspend.c<3>bad: scheduling from the idle thread! <4>sched: RT throttling activated <3>BUG: scheduling while atomic: %s/%d/0x%08x <6>%-15.15s %c running %08lx %5lu %5d %6d 0x%08lx RSDTtZXxKW<6> task PC stack pid father &mm->mmap_semtask_structinclude/linux/security.h&sig->cred_guard_mutexsighand_cachesignal_cachefiles_cachefs_cachemm_structvm_area_struct%d-%d %-16s [%s] execdomainspersonality-%dLinux<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: %s <0>Rebooting in %d seconds..<4>Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint Tainted: Not tainted<4>---[ end trace %016llx ]--- <4>------------[ cut here ]------------ <4>WARNING: at %s:%d %pS() ttyS[%5lu.%06lu] <6>turn off boot console %s%d <6>debug: skip boot console de-registration. <6>debug: ignoring loglevel setting. Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug) <4>%s (%d): Attempt to access syslog with CAP_SYS_ADMIN but no CAP_SYSLOG (deprecated). <3>log_buf_len: %ld bytes not available <6>log_buf_len: %d <6>early log buf free: %d(%d%%) <6>Too late to register bootconsole %s%d <6>console [%s%d] enabled, bootconsole disabled <6>%sconsole [%s%d] enabled Aiee, killing interrupt handler!Attempted to kill the idle task!<1>Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! <6>note: %s[%d] exited with preempt_count %d Attempted to kill init!Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt ksoftirqd/%dksoftirqd for %i failed <3>huh, entered softirq %u %s %pwith preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? HINET_TXNET_RXBLOCKBLOCK_IOPOLLTASKLETSCHEDHRTIMERRCU%*s%0*llx-%0*llx : %s ioportsiomem<7>release child resource %pR <4>Trying to free nonexistent resource <%016llx-%016llx> check-regionExpanded resource %s due to conflict with %s <4>resource map sanity check conflict: 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx %s PCI memPCI IO%s%luvmsched_child_runs_firstsched_rt_period_ussched_rt_runtime_uscore_uses_pidcore_patterncore_pipe_limitreal-root-devprint-fatal-signalsctrl-alt-delmodprobemodules_disabledhotplugcad_pidthreads-maxusermodehelperoverflowuidoverflowgidpid_maxpanic_on_oopsprintkprintk_ratelimitprintk_ratelimit_burstprintk_delaydmesg_restrictkptr_restrictngroups_maxcap_last_caprandomize_va_spacemax_lock_depthpoweroff_cmdblk_iopollovercommit_memorypanic_on_oomoom_kill_allocating_taskoom_dump_tasksovercommit_ratiopage-clusterdirty_background_ratiodirty_background_bytesdirty_ratiodirty_bytesdirty_writeback_centisecsdirty_expire_centisecsnr_pdflush_threadsswappinesslowmem_reserve_ratiodrop_cachesmin_free_kbytespercpu_pagelist_fractionmax_map_countlaptop_modeblock_dumpvfs_cache_pressuremmap_min_addrscan_unevictable_pagesinode-nrinode-statefile-nrfile-maxnr_opendentry-stateleases-enabledir-notify-enablelease-break-timeaio-nraio-max-nrinotifyepollsuid_dumpablepipe-max-size%hu.%hu%lu <6>warning: process `%s' used the deprecated sysctl system call with sys/abis390dbfsunrpcostypeosreleasehostnamedomainnamereboot-cmdpowersave-napsg-big-buffacctshmmaxmsgmaxmsgmnbsysrqshmallstop-ashmmniieee_emulation_warningsuserprocess_debugsoft-powerunaligned-trapscons-poweroffunknown_nmi_panicbootloader_typespin_retryignore-unaligned-usertrapcompat-logpanic_on_unrecovered_nmihugetlb_shm_grouplegacy_va_layoutzone_reclaim_modemin_unmapped_ratiovdso_enabledmin_slab_ratiounixipv4ipxappletalknetromax25roseipv6token-ringdecnetsctpllcnetfilterirdanf_conntrack_maxxfsocfs2raidmac_hidscsiipmiisadebug_stoppabledebug_activeudp_slot_table_entriestcp_slot_table_entriesmin_resvportmax_resvportcmodep0cmpoolsizeentropy_availread_wakeup_thresholdwrite_wakeup_thresholdboot_iduuidwmem_maxrmem_maxwmem_defaultrmem_defaultnetdev_max_backlogmessage_costmessage_burstoptmem_maxdev_weightsomaxconnnetdev_budgetxfrm_aevent_etimexfrm_aevent_rseqthmax_dgram_qlenip_forwardneightcp_timestampstcp_window_scalingtcp_sacktcp_retrans_collapseip_default_ttlip_no_pmtu_discip_nonlocal_bindtcp_syn_retriestcp_synack_retriestcp_max_orphanstcp_max_tw_bucketsip_dynaddrtcp_keepalive_timetcp_keepalive_probestcp_keepalive_intvltcp_retries1tcp_retries2tcp_fin_timeouttcp_syncookiestcp_tw_recycletcp_abort_on_overflowtcp_stdurgtcp_rfc1337tcp_max_syn_backlogip_local_port_rangeigmp_max_membershipsigmp_max_msfinet_peer_thresholdinet_peer_minttlinet_peer_maxttlinet_peer_gc_mintimeinet_peer_gc_maxtimetcp_orphan_retriestcp_facktcp_reorderingtcp_ecntcp_dsacktcp_memtcp_wmemtcp_rmemtcp_app_wintcp_adv_win_scaletcp_tw_reusetcp_frtotcp_frto_responsetcp_low_latencytcp_no_metrics_savetcp_moderate_rcvbuftcp_tso_win_divisortcp_congestion_controltcp_abctcp_mtu_probingtcp_base_msstcp_workaround_signed_windowstcp_dma_copybreaktcp_slow_start_after_idlecipso_cache_enablecipso_cache_bucket_sizecipso_rbm_optfmtcipso_rbm_strictvalidtcp_allowed_congestion_controltcp_max_ssthreshicmp_echo_ignore_allicmp_echo_ignore_broadcastsicmp_ignore_bogus_error_responsesicmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddricmp_ratelimiticmp_ratemaskipfrag_high_threshipfrag_low_threshipfrag_timeipfrag_secret_intervalip_queue_maxlenipx_pprop_broadcastingaarp-expiry-timeaarp-tick-timeaarp-retransmit-limitaarp-resolve-timedefault_path_qualityobsolescence_count_initialisernetwork_ttl_initialisertransport_timeouttransport_maximum_triestransport_acknowledge_delaytransport_busy_delaytransport_requested_window_sizetransport_no_activity_timeoutrouting_controllink_fails_countresetrestart_request_timeoutcall_request_timeoutreset_request_timeoutclear_request_timeoutacknowledge_hold_back_timeoutlink_fail_timeoutmaximum_virtual_circuitsicmpbindv6onlyip6frag_high_threship6frag_low_threship6frag_timeip6frag_secret_intervalmld_max_msfip6_queue_maxlenacknowledgement_hold_back_timeoutx25_forwardrif_timeoutnode_addressnode_namedefault_devicetime_waitdn_countdi_countdr_countdst_gc_intervalno_fc_max_cwnddecnet_memdecnet_rmemdecnet_wmemrto_initialrto_minrto_maxrto_alpha_exp_divisorrto_beta_exp_divisorvalid_cookie_lifeassociation_max_retranspath_max_retransmax_init_retransmitshb_intervalcookie_preserve_enablemax_burstaddip_enableprsctp_enablesndbuf_policysack_timeoutrcvbuf_policyllc2stationnf_conntrack_bucketsnf_conntrack_log_invalidnf_conntrack_tcp_loosenf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberalnf_conntrack_tcp_max_retransnf_conntrack_countnf_conntrack_frag6_low_threshnf_conntrack_frag6_high_threshnf_conntrack_checksumdiscoverydevnamefast_poll_increasediscovery_slotsdiscovery_timeoutslot_timeoutmax_baud_ratemin_tx_turn_timemax_tx_data_sizemax_tx_windowmax_noreply_timewarn_noreply_timelap_keepalive_timelookupswritesallocated_dquotsfree_dquotssyncsirix_sgid_inheritirix_symlink_modepanic_maskerror_levelxfssyncd_centisecsinherit_syncinherit_nodumpinherit_noatimexfsbufd_centisecsage_buffer_centisecsinherit_nosymlinksrotorstepinherit_nodefragfilestream_centisecsstats_clearmax_user_instancesmax_user_watchesmax_queued_eventsnmspeed_limit_minspeed_limit_maxmouse_button_emulationmouse_button2_keycodemouse_button3_keycodelogging_levelpoweroff_powercyclemembaseportbaseportshiftgc_threshmax_sizegc_min_intervalgc_min_interval_msgc_timeoutredirect_loadredirect_numberredirect_silenceerror_costerror_burstgc_elasticitymtu_expiresmin_pmtumin_adv_mssip_conntrack_maxip_conntrack_bucketsip_conntrack_log_invalidip_conntrack_tcp_looseip_conntrack_tcp_be_liberalip_conntrack_tcp_max_retransip_conntrack_countip_conntrack_checksumip_default_modeax25_default_modebackoff_typeconnect_modestandard_window_sizeextended_window_sizet1_timeoutt2_timeoutt3_timeoutidle_timeoutmaximum_retry_countmaximum_packet_lengthprotocoldama_slave_timeoutethernetipgrepppddcmploopbackhb_ctl_pathmc_forwardingaccept_redirectssecure_redirectssend_redirectsshared_mediaaccept_source_routeproxy_arpmedium_idbootp_relaylog_martianstagarp_filterarp_announcearp_ignorearp_acceptarp_notifydisable_xfrmdisable_policyforce_igmp_versionpromote_secondariesmcast_solicitucast_solicitapp_solicitbase_reachable_timedelay_first_probe_timegc_stale_timeunres_qlenproxy_qlengc_thresh1gc_thresh2gc_thresh3retrans_time_msbase_reachable_time_mshop_limitaccept_raautoconfdad_transmitsrouter_solicitationsrouter_solicitation_intervalrouter_solicitation_delayuse_tempaddrtemp_valid_lfttemp_prefered_lftregen_max_retrymax_desync_factormax_addressesforce_mld_versionaccept_ra_defrtraccept_ra_pinfoaccept_ra_rtr_prefrouter_probe_intervalaccept_ra_rt_info_max_plenproxy_ndprej<6>warning: `%s' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) <6>warning: `%s' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure. <2>capable() called with invalid cap=%u <3>schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value %lx timer: %pF preempt leak: %08x -> %08x uid_cache<6>%s/%d: reached RLIMIT_SIGPENDING, dropped signal %d %s/%d: potentially unexpected fatal signal %d. sigqueue<0>Power down. <0>System halted. <4>%s failed to allocate memory for "%s" <4>Failed to start orderly shutdown: forcing the issue <0>Restarting system. <0>Restarting system with command '%s'.<3>request_module: runaway loop modprobe %s khelperbsetinheritablePATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin<4>workqueue %s: flush on destruction isn't complete after %u tries <4>workqueue: max_active %d requested for %s is out of range, clamping between %d and %d &wq->flush_mutex<3>BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic: %s/0x%08x/%d <3> last function: kworker/%u:%dkworker/u:%devents_longevents_nrtevents_unboundevents_freezablePID<6>pid_max: default: %u minimum: %u <3>Module '%s' failed add to sysfs, error number %d <3>The system will be unstable now. parameters%li%hi<3>%s: string doesn't fit in %u chars. <4>%s (%d): error creating kset <3>%s: string parameter too long <3>%s: can only take %i arguments <3>%s: needs at least %i arguments <4>parse_args(): option '%s' enabled irq's! <3>%s: Unknown parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' too large for parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' invalid for parameter `%s' <4>POSIX clock register failed for clock_id %d <4>POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_get() <4>POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_getres() posix_timers_cachekernel/posix-timers.ckernel/kthread.ckthreadd<6>RT Watchdog Timeout: %s[%d] <6>hrtimers_resume() called with IRQs enabled!<4>hrtimer: interrupt took %llu ns <4>Could not switch to high resolution mode on CPU %d nsproxy&sp->mutexkernel/srcu.c&nh->mutexnotesfscapsuevent_seqnumuevent_helperCRED: put_cred_rcu() sees %p with usage %d cred_jar<7>async_waiting @ %i <7>async_continuing @ %i after %lli usec <7>calling %lli_%pF @ %i <7>initcall %lli_%pF returned 0 after %lld usecs <3>run of slot in ranges <4>__timekeeping_inject_sleeptime: Invalid sleep delta value! kernel/time/timekeeping.cAdjusting %s more then 11%% (%ld vs %ld) <5>Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC <5>Clock: deleting leap second 23:59:59 UTC pmtmrWarning: clock=pmtmr is deprecated. Use clocksource=acpi_pm. acpi_pmWarning! clock= boot option is deprecated. Use clocksource=xyz <4>Override clocksource %s is not HRT compatible. Cannot switch while in HRT/NOHZ mode <6>Switching to clocksource %s kernel/time/clocksource.cClocksource %s might overflow on 11%% adjustment current_clocksourceavailable_clocksourcetimer_list<%pK>Timer List Version: v0.6 HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES: %d now at %Ld nsecs cpu: %d clock %d: .base: %pK .index: %d .resolution: %Lu nsecs .get_time: .offset: %Lu nsecs active timers: #%d: , S:%02lx # expires at %Lu-%Lu nsecs [in %Ld to %Ld nsecs] .%-15s: %Lu nsecs expires_next .%-15s: %Lu hres_activenr_eventsnr_retriesnr_hangsmax_hang_timenohz_modeidle_ticktick_stoppedidle_jiffiesidle_callsidle_sleepsidle_entrytimeidle_waketimeidle_exittimeidle_sleeptimeiowait_sleeptimelast_jiffiesnext_jiffiesidle_expiresjiffies: %Lu Tick Device: mode: %d Per CPU device: %d Clock Event Device: retries: %lu event_handler: set_mode: max_delta_ns: %llu min_delta_ns: %llu mult: %u shift: %u mode: %d next_event: %Ld nsecs set_next_event: &clk->rwsemkernel/time/alarmtimer.calarmtimer<6>Clockevents: could not switch to one-shot mode: no tick device %s is not functional. %s does not support one-shot mode. <3>NOHZ: local_softirq_pending %02x <3>fixup_owner: ret = %d pi-mutex: %p pi-state %p kernel/rtmutex.c<4>Maximum lock depth %d reached task: %s (%d) kernel/up.cLiveUnloadingLoading%s %u %u %s,[permanent], 0x%pKmodulesatd<4>Symbol %s is being used by a non-GPL module, which will not be allowed in the future <4>Please see the file Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt in the kernel source tree for more details. 0x%pK <4>%s: out of memory loading %s: please compile with -fno-common <4>%s: gave up waiting for init of module %s. <4>%s: Unknown symbol %s (err %li) <3>module %s: REL relocation unsupported <3>module %s: RELA relocation unsupported unspecifiedELF<3>Module len %lu truncated __versions.modinfo.gnu.linkonce.this_module<4>No module found in object <4>%s: module has no symbols (stripped?) vermagic<3>%s: version magic '%s' should be '%s' intreestaging<4>%s: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned. licenseGPL v2GPL and additional rightsDual BSD/GPLDual MIT/GPLDual MPL/GPL<4>%s: module license '%s' taints kernel. __param__ksymtab__kcrctab__ksymtab_gpl__kcrctab_gpl__ksymtab_gpl_future__kcrctab_gpl_future__ex_table__obsparm<4>%s: Ignoring obsolete parameters __verbosendiswrapperdriverloader.debug<3>%s: exports duplicate symbol %s (owned by %s) <3>%s: module sysfs not initialized <3>%s: module is already loaded sections<4>%s: '%s'->init suspiciously returned %d, it should follow 0/-E convention %s: loading module anyway... holdersModules linked in: %s%s [last unloaded: %s]ueventlivecominggoingsrcversioninitstaterefcnt%pK %c %s [%s] %pK %c %s kallsyms+%#lx/%#lx [%s]+%#lx/%#lxsuspend_stats%s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d successfailfailed_freezefailed_preparefailed_suspendfailed_suspend_noirqfailed_resumefailed_resume_noirqfailures: last_failed_dev: %-s %-s last_failed_errno: %-d %-d last_failed_step: %-s pm_asyncwakeup_count<3>pm_qos_param: cpu_dma_latency setup failed <3>pm_qos_param: network_latency setup failed <3>pm_qos_param: network_throughput setup failed <3>pm_qos_remove_request() called for unknown object <3>pm_qos_update_request() called for unknown object <3>pm_qos_add_request() called for already added request cpu_dma_latencynetwork_latencynetwork_throughput<3>Freezing of tasks %s after %d.%02d seconds (%d tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=%d): (elapsed %d.%02d seconds) Freezing user space processes ... done.Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... Restarting tasks ... Restarting kernel threads ... <3>PM: Some devices failed to suspend <3>PM: Some devices failed to power down <6>PM: Syncing filesystems ... standby<6>NR_IRQS:%d irq %d, desc: %p, depth: %d, count: %d, unhandled: %d ->handle_irq(): %p, ->irq_data.chip(): %p, ->action(): %p ->action->handler(): %p, %14s set IRQ_LEVELIRQ_PER_CPUIRQ_NOPROBEIRQ_NOREQUESTIRQ_NOTHREADIRQ_NOAUTOENIRQS_AUTODETECTIRQS_REPLAYIRQS_WAITINGIRQS_PENDINGkernel/irq/handle.cirq %u handler %pF enabled interrupts <4>IRQ %d device %s returned IRQ_WAKE_THREAD but no thread function available.kernel/irq/manage.cPrimary handler called for nested irq %d Trying to free IRQ %d from IRQ context! Trying to free already-free IRQ %d percpu IRQ %d still enabled on CPU%d! Unbalanced IRQ %d wake disable <4>Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d <3>enable_irq before setup/request_irq: irq %u <3>setting trigger mode %lu for irq %u failed (%pF) irq/%d-%s<4>IRQ %d uses trigger mode %u; requested %u <3>exiting task "%s" (%d) is an active IRQ thread (irq %d) failed to set type for IRQ%d <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup and polling support enabled <4>This may significantly impact system performance <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup support enabled. <4>This may impact system performance. <6>IRQ lockup detection disabled <3>irq %d: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) <3>handlers: <3>[<%p>] %pf threaded [<%p>] %pf <3>irq event %d: bogus return value %x kernel/irq/spurious.cirq poll in progress on cpu %d for irq %d <0>Disabling IRQ #%d kernel/irq/chip.cdummykernel/irq/devres.ccount %u unhandled %u last_unhandled %u ms spurious%*sCPU%-8d%*d: %10u None-%-8s %smm/filemap.cmm/mempool.cmm/page_alloc.cmm/page-writeback.cmm/readahead.cmm/truncate.cmm/vmscan.cinclude/linux/radix-tree.hmm/shmem.cmm/prio_tree.cmm/backing-dev.cmm/page_isolation.cmm/percpu.cmm/fremap.cmm/memory.cmm/mlock.cmm/mmap.cmm/mprotect.cmm/rmap.cmm/vmalloc.cmm/pgtable-generic.cmm/bootmem.cmm/memblock.cmm/swapfile.cmm/slab.c<4>%s invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x, order=%d, oom_adj=%d, oom_score_adj=%d <6>[ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss cpu oom_adj oom_score_adj name <6>[%5d] %5d %5d %8lu %8lu %3u %3d %5d %s <3>%s: Kill process %d (%s) score %d or sacrifice child <3>Killed process %d (%s) total-vm:%lukB, anon-rss:%lukB, file-rss:%lukB <3>Kill process %d (%s) sharing same memory compulsorysystem-wideOut of memory: %s panic_on_oom is enabled Out of memory (oom_kill_allocating_task)Out of memory and no killable processes... Out of memory<4>%pV<4>%s: page allocation failure: order:%d, mode:0x%x %s per-cpu: CPU %4d: hi:%5d, btch:%4d usd:%4d active_anon:%lu inactive_anon:%lu isolated_anon:%lu active_file:%lu inactive_file:%lu isolated_file:%lu unevictable:%lu dirty:%lu writeback:%lu unstable:%lu free:%lu slab_reclaimable:%lu slab_unreclaimable:%lu mapped:%lu shmem:%lu pagetables:%lu bounce:%lu %s free:%lukB min:%lukB low:%lukB high:%lukB active_anon:%lukB inactive_anon:%lukB active_file:%lukB inactive_file:%lukB unevictable:%lukB isolated(anon):%lukB isolated(file):%lukB present:%lukB mlocked:%lukB dirty:%lukB writeback:%lukB mapped:%lukB shmem:%lukB slab_reclaimable:%lukB slab_unreclaimable:%lukB kernel_stack:%lukB pagetables:%lukB unstable:%lukB bounce:%lukB writeback_tmp:%lukB pages_scanned:%lu all_unreclaimable? %s lowmem_reserve[]:%s: %lu*%lukB %ld total pagecache pages Built %i zonelists in %s order, mobility grouping %s. Total pages: %ld <7>On node %d totalpages: %lu <7>free_area_init_node: node %d, pgdat %08lx, node_mem_map %08lx <7> %s zone: %lu pages used for memmap <4> %s zone: %lu pages exceeds realsize %lu <7> %s zone: %lu pages reserved Normal<7> %s zone: %lu pages, LIFO batch:%u |<1>page:%p count:%d mapcount:%d mapping:%p index:%#lx <1>page flags: %#lx(%s%#lx<1>BUG: Bad page state: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page state in process %s pfn:%05lx include/linux/gfp.hFailed to allocate %s hash table <6>%s hash table entries: %ld (order: %d, %lu bytes) Movablereferenceduptodatelruslabowner_priv_1arch_1privateprivate_2swapcachemappedtodiskswapbacked<3>shrink_slab: %pF negative objects to delete nr=%ld kswapd%dFailed to start kswapd on node %d %s: orphaned page <4>The scan_unevictable_pages sysctl/node-interface has been disabled for lack of a legitimate use case. If you have one, please send an email to linux-mm@kvack.org. ,size=%luk,nr_inodes=%lu,mode=%03o,uid=%u,gid=%u<3>tmpfs: No value for mount option '%s' nr_blocksnr_inodesmpol<3>tmpfs: Bad mount option %s <3>tmpfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' shmem_inode_cache<3>Could not register tmpfs <3>Could not kern_mount tmpfs dev/zerotmpfs%s %lu Node %d, zone %8s pages free %lu min %lu low %lu high %lu scanned %lu spanned %lu present %lu %-12s %lu protection: (%lu, %lu) pagesets cpu: %i count: %i high: %i batch: %i all_unreclaimable: %u start_pfn: %lu inactive_ratio: %uNode %4d, zone %8s, type %12s %6lu Node %d, zone %8s %12lu buddyinfopagetypeinfovmstatzoneinfoPage block order: %d Pages per block: %lu %-43s Free pages count per migrate type at order%6d %-23sNumber of blocks type nr_free_pagesnr_inactive_anonnr_active_anonnr_inactive_filenr_active_filenr_unevictablenr_mlocknr_anon_pagesnr_mappednr_file_pagesnr_dirtynr_writebacknr_slab_reclaimablenr_slab_unreclaimablenr_page_table_pagesnr_kernel_stacknr_unstablenr_bouncenr_vmscan_writenr_vmscan_immediate_reclaimnr_writeback_tempnr_isolated_anonnr_isolated_filenr_shmemnr_dirtiednr_writtennr_anon_transparent_hugepagesnr_dirty_thresholdnr_dirty_background_thresholdpgpginpgpgoutpswpinpswpoutpgalloc_normalpgalloc_movablepgfreepgactivatepgdeactivatepgfaultpgmajfaultpgrefill_normalpgrefill_movablepgsteal_normalpgsteal_movablepgscan_kswapd_normalpgscan_kswapd_movablepgscan_direct_normalpgscan_direct_movablepginodestealslabs_scannedkswapd_stealkswapd_inodestealkswapd_low_wmark_hit_quicklykswapd_high_wmark_hit_quicklykswapd_skip_congestion_waitpageoutrunallocstallpgrotatedunevictable_pgs_culledunevictable_pgs_scannedunevictable_pgs_rescuedunevictable_pgs_mlockedunevictable_pgs_munlockedunevictable_pgs_clearedunevictable_pgs_strandedunevictable_pgs_mlockfreedUnmovableReclaimableReserveIsolatebdibdi-%sBdiWriteback: %10lu kB BdiReclaimable: %10lu kB BdiDirtyThresh: %10lu kB DirtyThresh: %10lu kB BackgroundThresh: %10lu kB BdiDirtied: %10lu kB BdiWritten: %10lu kB BdiWriteBandwidth: %10lu kBps b_dirty: %10lu b_io: %10lu b_more_io: %10lu bdi_list: %10u state: %10lx bdi %p/%s is not registered! flush-%s%.28s%ssync_supersnoopread_ahead_kbmin_ratiomax_ratio%spcpu-alloc: s%zu r%zu d%zu u%zu alloc=%zu*%zu%spcpu-alloc: [%0*d] %0*d --------failed to extend area map of reserved chunkfailed to extend area mapfailed to allocate new chunkalloc from reserved chunk failedillegal size (%zu) or align (%zu) for percpu allocation <4>PERCPU: allocation failed, size=%zu align=%zu, %s <6>PERCPU: limit reached, disable warning <0>PERCPU: failed to initialize, %sai->nr_groups <= 0<0>PERCPU: cpu_possible_mask=%s !base_addr(unsigned long)base_addr & ~PAGE_MASKai->unit_size < size_sumai->unit_size & ~PAGE_MASKai->unit_size < PCPU_MIN_UNIT_SIZEai->dyn_size < PERCPU_DYNAMIC_EARLY_SIZE<2>percpu: can't handle more than one groups pcpu_verify_alloc_info(ai) < 0<4>percpu: wasting %zu pages per chunk cpu > nr_cpu_idsunit_map[cpu] != UINT_MAXunit_map[cpu] == UINT_MAX<7>Failed to allocate memory for percpu areas.Failed to initialize percpu areas.<1>BUG: Bad page map: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page map in process %s pte:%08llx pmd:%08llx <1>addr:%p vm_flags:%08lx anon_vma:%p mapping:%p index:%lx <1>vma->vm_ops->fault: %s <1>vma->vm_file->f_op->mmap: %s %s%s[%lx+%lx]&anon_vma->mutexanon_vmaanon_vma_chain0x%p-0x%p %7ld %pS pages=%d phys=%llx ioremap vmalloc vmap vpagesvmallocinfo<4>vmap allocation for size %lu failed: use vmalloc= to increase size. <3>Trying to vfree() bad address (%p) <3>Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area (%p) vmalloc: allocation failure, allocated %ld of %ld bytes vmalloc: allocation failure: %lu bytes <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx flags=%x <6>bootmem::%s silent double reserve of PFN %lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td size=%lx [%lu pages] align=%lx goal=%lx limit=%lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx reserve=%d flags=%x <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx map=%lx end=%lx mapsize=%lx <1>bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx aligned=%d <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td released=%lx memblock%4d: 0x%08lx..0x%08lx <6> %s.cnt = 0x%lx <6> %s[%#x] [%#016llx-%#016llx], %#llx bytes <3>memblock: Failed to double %s array from %ld to %ld entries ! <6>memblock: %s array is doubled to %ld at [%#010llx-%#010llx]ERROR: Failed to allocate 0x%llx bytes below 0x%llx. <6>MEMBLOCK configuration: <6> memory size = 0x%llx <1>Write-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) <1>Read-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) %lu pages in swap cache Swap cache stats: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu Free swap = %ldkB Total swap = %lukB swapswaps<3>swap_free: %s%08lx <3>swap_dup: %s%08lx file Filename Type Size Used Priority \%*s%s %u %u %d SWAPSPACE2<3>Unable to find swap-space signature <4>Unable to handle swap header version %d <4>Swap area shorter than signature indicates <3>swapon: swapfile has holes <4>Empty swap-file <6>Adding %uk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d across:%lluk %s%s <3>dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) poolinfo - 0.1 %-16s %4u %4Zu %4Zu %2u <3>dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy mm/dmapool.cpoolsslabs_full accounting errorslabs_partial inuse accounting errorslabs_partial/inuse accounting errorslabs_free/inuse accounting errorfree_objects accounting error<3>slab: cache %s error: %s %-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4u %4d : tunables %4u %4u %4u : slabdata %6lu %6lu %6luslabinfo - version: 2.1 # name : tunables : slabdata slabinfo<3>slab error in %s(): cache `%s': %s Can't free all objects %d %d %d<3>enable_cpucache failed for %s, error %d. <3>%s: Early error in slab %s <3>SLAB: cache with size %d has lost its name <3>kmem_cache_create: duplicate cache %s <3>kmem_cache_create: couldn't create cache %s. kmem_cache_create(): failed to create slab `%s' kmem_cachesize-32size-32(DMA)size-64size-64(DMA)size-96size-96(DMA)size-128size-128(DMA)size-192size-192(DMA)size-256size-256(DMA)size-512size-512(DMA)size-1024size-1024(DMA)size-2048size-2048(DMA)size-4096size-4096(DMA)size-8192size-8192(DMA)size-16384size-16384(DMA)size-32768size-32768(DMA)size-65536size-65536(DMA)size-131072size-131072(DMA)size-262144size-262144(DMA)size-524288size-524288(DMA)size-1048576size-1048576(DMA)size-2097152size-2097152(DMA)size-4194304size-4194304(DMA)fs/open.cfs/exec.cfs/pipe.cfs/fcntl.cfs/dcache.cfs/attr.cfs/filesystems.cfs/namespace.cinclude/linux/seq_file.hinclude/linux/highmem.hfs/libfs.cfs/fs-writeback.cfs/pnode.cfs/buffer.cfs/bio.cfs/block_dev.cfs/direct-io.cfs/mpage.cfs/notify/fsnotify.cfs/notify/notification.cfs/notify/inode_mark.cfs/notify/mark.cfs/notify/vfsmount_mark.cfs/notify/dnotify/dnotify.cfs/notify/inotify/inotify_fsnotify.cfs/notify/inotify/inotify_user.cfs/eventpoll.cfs/aio.cfs/locks.cfs/quota/dquot.cinclude/linux/swapops.hfs/sysfs/inode.cfs/sysfs/file.cfs/sysfs/dir.cfs/sysfs/symlink.cfs/sysfs/bin.cfs/sysfs/group.cfs/devpts/inode.cfs/reiserfs/bitmap.cfs/reiserfs/namei.cfs/reiserfs/inode.cinclude/linux/reiserfs_fs.hfs/reiserfs/file.cfs/reiserfs/super.cfs/reiserfs/prints.cfs/reiserfs/objectid.cfs/reiserfs/stree.cfs/reiserfs/tail_conversion.cfs/reiserfs/journal.cfs/reiserfs/item_ops.cfs/reiserfs/xattr.cfs/reiserfs/lock.cfs/ext3/balloc.cfs/ext3/fsync.cfs/ext3/inode.cfs/ext3/namei.cfs/ext3/super.cfs/ext2/balloc.cfs/ext2/dir.cfs/ext4/balloc.cfs/ext4/fsync.cfs/ext4/ialloc.cfs/ext4/inode.cfs/ext4/page-io.cfs/ext4/ext4.hfs/ext4/namei.cfs/ext4/super.cfs/ext4/resize.cfs/ext4/extents.cfs/ext4/ext4_extents.hfs/ext4/mballoc.cfs/ext4/move_extent.cfs/ext4/indirect.cfs/ext4/xattr.cfs/jbd/transaction.cfs/jbd/commit.cfs/jbd/recovery.cfs/jbd/checkpoint.cfs/jbd/revoke.cfs/jbd/journal.cfs/jbd2/transaction.cfs/jbd2/commit.cfs/jbd2/recovery.cfs/jbd2/checkpoint.cfs/jbd2/revoke.cfs/jbd2/journal.cfs/fat/cache.cfs/fat/dir.cfs/fat/fatent.cfs/fat/inode.cfs/fat/namei_vfat.cfs/jffs2/file.cfs/jffs2/nodelist.cfs/jffs2/nodemgmt.cfs/jffs2/readinode.cfs/jffs2/write.cfs/jffs2/scan.cfs/jffs2/gc.cfs/jffs2/background.cfs/jffs2/super.cfs/jffs2/debug.cfs/jffs2/wbuf.cfs/jffs2/summary.cfs/nilfs2/inode.cfs/nilfs2/file.cfs/nilfs2/dir.cfs/nilfs2/super.cfs/nilfs2/page.cfs/nilfs2/page.hfs/nilfs2/btnode.cfs/nilfs2/bmap.cfs/nilfs2/btree.cfs/nilfs2/recovery.cfs/nilfs2/segbuf.cfs/nilfs2/segment.c<3>VFS: Close: file count is 0 <6>VFS: file-max limit %lu reached fs/file_table.cfilpVFS: Busy inodes after unmount of %s. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... <3>VFS:Filesystem thaw failed <3>VFS:Filesystem freeze failed &s->s_umount&s->s_lock&s->s_vfs_rename_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqio_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqonoff_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqptr_semforced remount of a %s fs returned %i Emergency Remount complete %s set sb->s_maxbytes to negative value (%lld) char-major-%d-%dchar-major-%d%3d %s charbinfmt-%04x%s (path unknown)<4>format_corename failed <4>Aborting core <4>Process %d(%s) has RLIMIT_CORE set to 1 <4>Pid %d(%s) over core_pipe_limit <4>Skipping core dump <4>%s failed to allocate memory <6>Core dump to %s pipe failed pipe:pipe:[%lu]pipefsfasync_cache<3>kill_fasync: bad magic number in fasync_struct! Root dentry has weird name <%.*s> (deleted)<3>BUG: Dentry %p{i=%lx,n=%s} still in use (%d) [unmount of %s %s] <4>VFS: moving negative dcache entry <4>VFS: Lookup of '%s' in %s %s would have caused loop (unreachable)//deletedDentry cachenames_cachedentry&mapping->i_mmap_mutex&inode->i_mutex<7>init_special_inode: bogus i_mode (%o) for inode %s:%lu Inode-cache<4>alloc_fd: slot %d not NULL! %s %s filesystems%.*sdevice no device mounted on with fstype ro rw 0 0 %i %i %u:%u shared:%i master:%i propagate_from:%i unbindable - &namespace_semmnt_cacheFailed to allocate mount hash table <6>Mount-cache hash table entries: %lu <4>%s: sysfs_init error: %d <4>%s: kobj create error Can't create rootfsCan't allocate initial namespace,sync,dirsync,mand,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,relatime&p->locksecurity.system.trusted.user.&attr->mutex<4>%s: %s passed in a files arraywith an index of 1! bdev<7>%s(%d): dirtied inode %lu (%s) on %s bdi-%s not registered fs/splice.cEmergency Sync complete fs/sync.c<3>Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %Lu __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%zu device %s blocksize: %d <4>Emergency Thaw complete <4>Emergency Thaw on %s <4>lost page write due to I/O error on %s <3>VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer <3>getblk(): invalid block size %d requested <3>logical block size: %d <3>%s: requested out-of-range block %llu for device %s <6>warning: process `%s' used the obsolete bdflush system call <6>Fix your initscripts? buffer_head<3>bio: unable to find slab! bio-%d<6>bio: create slab <%s> at %d bio: can't allocate bios bio: can't create split pool biovec-1biovec-4biovec-16biovec-64biovec-128biovec-256<4>VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk %s <6>%s: detected capacity change from %lld to %lld bdev:&bdev->bd_mutex&bdev->bd_fsfreeze_mutexbdev_cacheCannot register bdev pseudo-fsCannot create bdev pseudo-fsinitializing fsnotify_mark_srcufsnotify_eventfsnotify_event_holderunable to allocate fsnotify q_overflow_event &group->notification_mutexfsnotify_markunable to start fsnotify mark destruction thread.dnotify_structdnotify_markunable to allocate fsnotify group for dnotify inotify closing but id=%d for fsn_mark=%p in group=%p still in idr. Probably leaking memory <4>fsn_mark->group=%p inode=%p wd=%d inotify_inode_markinotify_event_private_data%s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p mark->inode=%p found_i_mark=%p found_i_mark->wd=%d found_i_mark->group=%p found_i_mark->inode=%p <3>%s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p i_mark->inode=%p eventpoll_epieventpoll_pwq&ep->mtx[eventpoll]anon_inode:anon_inode:%s<3>anon_inode_init() failed (%d) anon_inodefs[signalfd][timerfd][eventfd]kiocbkioctxaioaio_run_iocb: iocb->ki_retry = NULL <7>exit_aio:ioctx still alive: %d %d %d file_lock_cacheACCESSPOSIX ADVISORY *NOINODE*MANDATORYREAD NONE WRITERW UNLCK%lld:%s %6s %s FLOCK MSNFS FLOCK ADVISORY LEASE BREAKING ACTIVE BREAKER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN %d %02x:%02x:%ld %d :0 %Ld EOF %Ld %Ld 0 EOF -><3>locks_delete_lock: fasync == %p COREfs/binfmt_elf.cLINUXRSDTZW<3>cache %s: %d orphaned entries<5>VFS: Disk quotas %s dquot_6.5.2dquotCannot create dquot hash tableDquot-cache hash table entries: %ld (order %ld, %ld bytes) : warning, : write failed, <3>Quota error (device %s): %s: %pV Can't write quota structure (error %d). Quota may get out of sync!&dquot->dq_lockundefined file limit reached. file quota exceeded too long. file quota exceeded. block limit reached. block quota exceeded too long. block quota exceeded. quota_v1quota_v2[stack][vdso][heap]%08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08llx %02x:%02x %lu %n%*cSize: %8lu kB Rss: %8lu kB Pss: %8lu kB Shared_Clean: %8lu kB Shared_Dirty: %8lu kB Private_Clean: %8lu kB Private_Dirty: %8lu kB Referenced: %8lu kB Anonymous: %8lu kB AnonHugePages: %8lu kB Swap: %8lu kB KernelPageSize: %8lu kB MMUPageSize: %8lu kB Locked: %8lu kB VmPeak: %8lu kB VmSize: %8lu kB VmLck: %8lu kB VmPin: %8lu kB VmHWM: %8lu kB VmRSS: %8lu kB VmData: %8lu kB VmStk: %8lu kB VmExe: %8lu kB VmLib: %8lu kB VmPTE: %8lu kB VmSwap: %8lu kB proc_inode_cacheproc_read_super: get root inode failed self/mountssysvipcfs/nfsdproc%-25s %-20s %-20s %-10s Soft LimitHard LimitUnits%-25s %-20s unlimited%-25s %-20lu <4>%s (%d): /proc/%d/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/%d/oom_score_adj instead. pos: %lli flags: 0%o selffdfdinfoenvironauxvpersonalitylimitscommcmdlinestatmcwdexemountinfomountstatsclear_refssmapspagemapwchanoom_scoreoom_adjoom_score_adjcoredump_filterMax cpu timesecondsMax file sizeMax data sizeMax stack sizeMax core file sizeMax resident setMax processesMax open filesMax locked memoryMax address spaceMax file locksMax pending signalsMax msgqueue sizeMax nice priorityMax realtime priorityMax realtime timeout<3>proc_file_read: Apparent buffer overflow! <4>proc_file_read: Read count exceeded fs/proc/generic.c<4>proc_dir_entry '%s/%s' already registered <4>%s: removing non-empty directory '%s/%s', leaking at least '%s' %d (%s) %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %d 0 %llu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %u %u %llu %lu %ld Name: State: %s Tgid: %d Pid: %d PPid: %d TracerPid: %d Uid: %d %d %d %d Gid: %d %d %d %d FDSize: %d Groups: Threads: %d SigQ: %lu/%lu SigPnd: ShdPnd: SigBlk: SigIgn: SigCgt: CapInh: CapPrm: CapEff: CapBnd: Cpus_allowed: Cpus_allowed_list: voluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu 0 %lu 0 R (running)S (sleeping)D (disk sleep)T (stopped)t (tracing stop)Z (zombie)X (dead)x (dead)K (wakekill)W (waking)%3d %d-%d %3d %7d :/dev/tty:console:vtmasterpty:masterpty:slavetype:%d.%d%-20s /dev/%-8s system:/dev/tty system:console /dev/ptmx/dev/vc/0system:vtmaster tty/ldisctty/drivertty/ldiscstty/drivers%s%d%n%*c%c%c%c (%s) %4d:%dconsolescpuinfoCharacter devices: Block devices: devicesinterrupts%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %ld/%d %d loadavgmeminfoMemTotal: %8lu kB MemFree: %8lu kB Buffers: %8lu kB Cached: %8lu kB SwapCached: %8lu kB Active: %8lu kB Inactive: %8lu kB Active(anon): %8lu kB Inactive(anon): %8lu kB Active(file): %8lu kB Inactive(file): %8lu kB Unevictable: %8lu kB Mlocked: %8lu kB SwapTotal: %8lu kB SwapFree: %8lu kB Dirty: %8lu kB Writeback: %8lu kB AnonPages: %8lu kB Mapped: %8lu kB Shmem: %8lu kB Slab: %8lu kB SReclaimable: %8lu kB SUnreclaim: %8lu kB KernelStack: %8lu kB PageTables: %8lu kB NFS_Unstable: %8lu kB Bounce: %8lu kB WritebackTmp: %8lu kB CommitLimit: %8lu kB Committed_AS: %8lu kB VmallocTotal: %8lu kB VmallocUsed: %8lu kB VmallocChunk: %8lu kB cpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu intr %llu ctxt %llu btime %lu processes %lu procs_running %lu procs_blocked %lu softirq %llu%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu uptime %12s: %10usoftirqsfs/proc/proc_sysctl.cself/netkmsgkpagecountkpageflagsenabling native capacity truncated %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8u %8u %8u unknown-block(%u,%u)%sp%d<6>%s unknown partition table unable to read partition table <4>%s: partition table beyond EOD, <4>%s: partition table partially beyond EOD, <4>%s: p%d start %llu is beyond EOD, <4>%s: p%d size %llu extends beyond EOD, <3> %s: p%d could not be added: %ld whole_diskalignment_offsetdiscard_alignmentinflight %s%d [AIX] < >[DM][EZD]fs/sysfs/sysfs.h<4>sysfs: can not remove '%s', no directory sysfs<3>missing sysfs attribute operations for kobject: %s &buffer->mutexfill_read_buffer: %s returned bad count sysfsd<3>sysfs: kobject %s without dirent <3>missing sysfs namespace attribute operation for kobject: %s <2>sysfs: inserting duplicate inode '%lx' required<4>sysfs: ns %s in '%s' for '%s' <4>sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename '%s' ../<4>sysfs: symlink across ns_types %s/%s -> %s/%s <7>sysfs: could not get root inode <7>%s: could not get root dentry! sysfs_dir_cache<3>sysfs: could not mount! &bb->mutex<4>sysfs group %p not found for kobject '%s' <3>devpts: get root dentry failed <3>devpts: called with bogus options devptsmode=%ovs-4010block number is out of range %lu (%u)vs-4019bitmap block %lu(%u) can't be freed or reusedvs-4020vs-4030bitmap for requested block is out of range: block=%lu, bitmap_nr=%uvs-4050this is root block (%u), it must be busyconcentrating_formatted_nodesblock allocator option "%s" is setdisplacing_large_filesdisplacing_new_packing_localitiesold_hashed_relocationnew_hashed_relocationdirid_groupsoid_groupspacking_groupshashed_formatted_nodesskip_busyhundredth_slicesold_waydisplace_based_on_diridpreallocminpreallocsizezam-4001unknown option - %sallocator options = [%08x] reiserfs-2025bitmap block %lu is corrupted: first bit must be 1sh-2029: %s: bitmap block (#%u) reading failedvs-4075block %lu is out of rangevs-4080block %lu: bit already clearedbitmap-4072Trying to free block outside file system boundaries (%lu > %lu)jdm-4055NULL bitmap info pointer for bitmap %dvs-12300FEB list is emptyreiserfs-12320called with dirty bufferreiserfs-12321too many thrown buffersPASTEUNKNOWNINSERTDELETECUTPAP-12040PAP-12130lnum > 0: unexpected mode: %s(%d)PAP-12175rnum > 0: unexpected mode: %s(%d)vs-12195CFR not initializedPAP-12245blknum > 2: unexpected mode: %s(%d)clm-6000fs generation has changedPAP-12350insert_size == 0, mode == %creiserfs-12322called with dirty buffer %dvs-7042entry must be visiblevs-7043vs-7000search_by_key returned item position == 0vs-7002no path to herezam-7001io errorreiserfs-7040empty directory has nlink != 2 (%d)reiserfs-7042deleting nonexistent file (%lu), %dzam-7002reiserfs_find_entry() returned unexpected value (%d)reiserfs-7010Congratulations! we have got hash function screwed upvs-7032entry with this key (%K) already existsvs-7050new entry is found, new inode == 0vs-7060couldn't not cut old name. Fsck later?vs-13080i/o failure occurred creating new directoryvs-13070object with this key exists (%k)error reading block %luclm-6001grab_tail_page failed %di/o failure occurred trying to find stat data of %Kvs-13075dead inode read from disk %K. This is likely to be race with knfsd. Ignorereiserfs-13077nfsd/reiserfs, fhtype=%d, len=%d - oddvs-13050i/o failure occurred trying to update %K stat datavs-13060stat data of object %k (nlink == %d) not found (pos %d)vs-13065key %k, found item %hclm-6004convert tail failed inode %lu, error %dvs-825%K should not be foundclm-6002bytes_copied %dclm-6003bad item inode %lui/o failure occurred creating new symlinkjdm-13090ACLs aren't enabled in the fs, but vfs thinks they are!clm-9001pinning inode %lu because the preallocation can't be freedvs-8030virtual node space consumedvs-8111split_item_position is out of rangevs-8115not directory or indirect itemvs-8210S[0] can not be 0vs-8215incorrect return value of get_empty_nodes&ei->tailpacktailsnotailconvnoattrsexpose_privrootnoaclnologreplayonlyblock-allocatorjdevnolargeionoquotausrjquotagrpjquotajqfmtalloc=super-6500%s not supported. super-6501super-6502unknown mount option "%s"super-6503the option "%s" does not require an argument super-6504the option "%s" requires an argument super-6505head of option "%s" is only correct super-6506empty argument for "%s" bad value "%s" for option "%s" super-6507bad value %s for -oresize super-6508bad value %s for -ocommit super-6509nolargeio option is no longer supportedsuper-6510journal device was already specified to be %ssuper-6511super-6512%s quota file already specified.super-6513quotafile must be on filesystem root.reiserfs-2502not enough memory for storing quotafile name.super-6514unknown quota format specified.super-6515super-6516quota options must be present when quota is turned on.super-6520Unpacking tail of quota file failed (%d). Cannot turn on quotas.super-6521Quota file not on filesystem root. Journalled quota will not work.FS seems to be empty, autodetect is using the default hash reiserfs-2506Unable to automatically detect hash function. Please mount with -o hash={tea,rupasov,r5}Unrecognised hash function<4>reiserfs: Quota write (off=%Lu, len=%Lu) cancelled because transaction is not started. green-2005reserved blocks left %dreiser_inode_cachesuper-6517cannot support attributes on 3.5.x disk formatsuper-6518cannot support attributes until flag is set in super-blockclm-6006writing inode %lu on readonly FSNull superblock3.53.6sh-2006bread failed (dev %s, block %lu, size %lu)sh-2007sh-2011can't find a reiserfs filesystem on (dev %s, block %Lu, size %lu)super-6519Unfinished reiserfsck --rebuild-tree run detected. Please run reiserfsck --rebuild-tree and wait for a completion. If that fails get newer reiserfsprogs packagefound reiserfs format "3.6" with non-standard journal found reiserfs format "3.5" with non-standard journal sh-2012found unknown format "%u" of reiserfs with non-standard magicfound reiserfs format "%s" with standard journal green-2102Adding a truncate savelink for a directory %k! Please reportvs-2100search_by_key (%K) returned %dvs-2120insert_item returned %dreiserfs-2500cannot turn on journaled quota: error %dvs-2140search_by_key returned %dvs-2060wrong position foundvs-2180iget failed for %Kvs-2185file %K is not unlinkedgreen-2101impossible truncate on a directory %k. Please reportTruncating %k to %Ld ..Removing %k..super-2189Dead loop in finish_unfinished detected, just remove save link done There were %d uncompleted unlinks/truncates. Completed &REISERFS_SB(s)->lockjmacd-7resize option for remount onlysh-2021can not find reiserfs on %sFilesystem cannot be mounted because it is bigger than the deviceYou may need to run fsck or increase size of your LVM partitionOr may be you forgot to reboot after fdisk when it told you tojmacd-8unable to read bitmapusing journaled data mode using ordered data mode using writeback data mode reiserfs: using flush barriers sh-2022unable to initialize journal spacereiserfs-2504error reading the superjmacd-9unable to reread meta blocks after journal initclm-7000Detected readonly device, marking FS readonlyjmacd-10reiserfs-2507Error, %s hash detected, unable to force rupasov hashreiserfs-2508Error, %s hash detected, unable to force tea hashreiserfs-2509Error, %s hash detected, unable to force r5 hashUsing tea hash to sort names Using rupasov hash to sort names Using r5 hash to sort names super-2030This file system claims to use %u bitmap blocks in its super block, but requires %u. Clearing to zero.converting 3.5 filesystem to the 3.6 formatusing 3.5.x disk format switching to journaled data mode switching to ordered data mode switching to writeback data mode reiserfs: enabling write barrier flush mode reiserfs: write barriers turned off reiserfsnoborderno_unhashed_relocationnotest4ro-remountSDDIRDIRECTIND%Lu(%Lu)0x%Lx[%d %d %s %s][NULL]*3.6* *3.5*!UPTODATEDIRTYCLEANUNLOCKED, item_len %d, item_location %d, free_space(entry_count) %d"%s"==>[%d %d][dc_number=%d, dc_size=%u]level=%d, nr_items=%d, free_space=%d rdkey dev %s, size %zd, blocknr %llu, count %d, state 0x%lx, page %p, (%s, %s, %s)[offset=%d dir_id=%d objectid=%d location=%d state=%04x]<4>REISERFS warning (device %s): %s%s%s: %s <4>REISERFS warning: %s%s%s: %s <5>REISERFS (device %s): %s<5>REISERFS %s:<4>REISERFS panic (device %s): %s%s%s: %s <4>REISERFS panic: %s%s%s: %s <2>REISERFS error (device %s): %s %s: %s <2>REISERFS error (device %s): %s: %s <2>REISERFS panic (device %s): %s <2>REISERFS abort (device %s): %s rupasovtea BALANCING %d MODE=%c, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d ===================================================================== * h * S * L * R * F * FL * FR * CFL * CFR * * %d * %3lld(%2d) * %3lld(%2d) * %3lld(%2d) * %5lld * %5lld * %5lld * %5lld * %5lld * ===================================================================== * h * size * ln * lb * rn * rb * blkn * s0 * s1 * s1b * s2 * s2b * curb * lk * rk * * 0 * %4d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %3d * %2d * %3d * %4d * %2d * %2d * * %d * %4d * %2d * * %2d * * %2d * ===================================================================== FEB list: %p (%llu %d)%s======================== the end ==================================== %s %svs-6010invalid item number %zvs-6020invalid free space %zvs-6025invalid level %zvs-6030vs-6040print_block: buffer is NULL =================================================================== LEAF NODE (%ld) contains %z FIRST ITEM_KEY: %k, LAST ITEM KEY: %k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |##| type | key | ilen | free_space | version | loc | |%2d| %h | INTERNAL NODE (%ld) contains %z KEY %d: %k PTR %d: %y %s's super block is in block %llu Reiserfs version %s Block count %u Blocksize %d Free blocks %u Busy blocks (skipped %d, bitmaps - %d, journal (or reserved) blocks - %d 1 super block, %d data blocks Root block %u Journal block (first) %d Journal dev %d Journal orig size %d FS state %d Hash function "%s" Tree height %d ReIsErLBDesc block %llu (j_trans_id %d, j_mount_id %d, j_len %d)Block %llu contains unformatted data reiserfs-15100no more object idsvs-15011tried to free free object id (%lu)vs-10250shift type is unknown (%d)ibalance-1ibalance-2unexpected tb->lnum[%d]==%d or tb->rnum[%d]==%dibalance-3One new node required for creating the new rootreiserfs-5090node level %d does not match to the expected one %dreiserfs-5080this should be caught earlierreiserfs-5081nr_item seems wrong: %zreiserfs-5082free space seems wrong: %zreiserfs-5083wrong item type for item %hreiserfs-5084item location seems wrong: %hreiserfs-5085item length seems wrong: %hreiserfs-5086item location seems wrong (second one): %hreiserfs-5087reiserfs-5088number of key seems wrong: %zreiserfs-5089vs-5150invalid format found in block %ld. Fsck?vs-5340no items of the file %K foundvs-5350i/o failure occurred trying to delete %Kvs-5355%k not foundvs-5360could not delete %K due to fix_nodes failurePAP-5580item to convert does not exist (%K)PAP-5610item %K not foundvs-5615found invalid itemreiserfs-5091indirect_to_direct conversion has been rolled back due to lack of disk spacereiserfs-5092NO_DISK_SPACEvs-5655link count != 0vs-5657i/o failure occurred trying to truncate %KPAP-5660wrong result %d of search for %Kvs-5665reiserfs_cut_from_item failedPAP-5710entry or pasted byte (%K) existsPAP-5760key %K already exists in the treePAP-14030pasted or inserted byte exists in the tree %K. Use fsck to repair.PAP-14050direct item (%K) not foundPAP-5520item to be converted %K does not existfree_cnodejournal-837IO error during journal replayget_cnode&jl->j_commit_mutexclm-2084pinned buffer %lu:%s sent to diskjournal-986: transaction is valid returning because trans_id %d is greater than oldest_invalid %lujournal-1087: transaction is valid returning because mount_id %d is less than newest_mount_id %lujournal-2018Bad transaction length %d encountered, ignoring transactionjournal_transaction_is_valid, commit offset %ld had bad time %d or length %djournal-1004: transaction_is_valid setting oldest invalid trans_id to %djournal-1006: found valid transaction start offset %llu, len %d id %dsh-457Cannot release journal device: %ijournal-1752clm-2000unable to allocate bitmaps for journal listsflush_commit_listclm-2200last commit %lu, current %lujournal-2trans id %u, refcount at %dJournal write error in %sclm-2048called with wcount %djournal-715length is %lu, trans id %lujournal-844journal list is flushing, wcount is not 0journal-813BAD! buffer %llu %cdirty %cjwait, not in a newer tranasctionjournal-945saved_bh->b_count < 0journal-1011cn->bh is NULLjournal-1012Write error while pushing transaction to disk in %sWrite error while updating journal header in %sclm-2201last flush %lu, current %luclm-2082Unable to flush buffer %llu in %sjournal-1256unable to get memory for journal structurejournal-1393journal does not fit for area addressed by first of bitmap blocks. It starts at %u and its size is %u. Block size %ldsh-458cannot init journal device '%s': %ijournal_init_dev: Cannot open '%s': %ijournal_init_dev: journal device: %s sh-462unable to initialize jornal devicesh-459unable to read journal headersh-460journal header magic %x (device %s) does not match to magic found in super block %xbad transaction max size (%u). FSCK?sh-463bad transaction max batch (%u). FSCK?sh-464bad blocksize (%u)journal params: device %s, size %u, journal first block %u, max trans len %u, max batch %u, max commit age %u, max trans age %u &journal->j_mutex&journal->j_flush_mutexjournal-2004Journal cnode memory allocation failed (%ld bytes). Journal is too large for available memory. Usually this is due to a journal that is too large.journal-2005get_list_bitmap failed for journal list 0checking transaction log (%s) journal-1153: found in header: first_unflushed_offset %d, last_flushed_trans_id %lujournal-1179: Setting oldest_start to offset %llu, trans_id %lujournal-1180: Resetting oldest_start to offset %lu, trans_id %lujournal-1299: Setting newest_mount_id to %djournal-1206: Starting replay from offset %llu, trans_id %lujournal-1037: journal_read_transaction, offset %llu, len %d mount_id %djournal-1039: journal_read_trans skipping because %lu is too oldjournal-1146: journal_read_trans skipping because %d is != newest_mount_id %lujournal_read_transaction, commit offset %llu had bad time %d or length %dclm-2076device is readonly, unable to replay logjournal-1169kmalloc failed, unable to mount FSjournal-1207REPLAY FAILURE fsck required! Block to replay is outside of filesystemjournal-1204REPLAY FAILURE fsck required! Trying to replay onto a log blockjournal-1212REPLAY FAILURE fsck required! buffer write failedjournal-1226REPLAY FAILURE, fsck required! buffer write failedjournal-1095: setting journal start to offset %ldjournal-1225: No valid transactions foundjournal-1299: Setting newest_mount_id to %lureplayed %d transactions in %lu seconds reiserfs-2006Replay Failure, unable to mountjournal-1577handle trans id %ld != current trans id %ldjournal-1777buffer %llu bad state %cPREPARED %cLOCKED %cDIRTY %cJDIRTY_WAITjournal-1409returning because j_wcount was %djournal-1413j_len (%lu) is too bigjournal-4get_cnode failed!journal-1702journal_list_bitmap is NULLjournal-2138cn->bh->b_count < 0journal endjournal-003j_start (%ld) is too highjournal-1676get_cnode returned NULLjournal-2332Trying to log block %lu, which is a log blockjournal-2048BAD, buffer in journal hash, but not JDirty!journal-1996could not get a list bitmapjournal end2journal_beginreiserfs-2005BAD: refcount <= 1, but journal_info != 0clm-2100nesting info a different FSREISER-NESTINGth NULL, refcount %dcan't shrink filesystem on-line reiserfs_resize: can't read last block reiserfs_resize: unable to resize a reiserfs without distributed bitmap (fs version < 3.5.12) reiserfs_resize: unable to allocate memory for journal bitmaps reiserfs_resize: unable to allocate memory. green-16011Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAPgreen-16010green-16009green-16008green-16007green-16006green-16005green-16004green-16003green-16002green-16001vs-16090bytes number is asked for direntryreiserfs-16101reiserfs-16103INDIRECT, index %d, type 0x%x, %hreiserfs-16100STATDATA, index %d, type 0x%x, %hreiserfs-16104DIRENTRY, index %d, type 0x%x, %h, flags 0x%x%d entries: item_ops-1free space %d, entry_count %dHIDDENVISIBLE # %-15s%-30s%-15s%-15s%-15s NameKey of pointed objectHashGen numberStatus%d: %-15s%-15d%-15d%-15Ld%-15Ld(%s) %d(%d)reiserfs-16102invalid item len%d pointers [ mode | size | nlinks | first direct | mtime 0%-6o | %6u | %2u | %d | %s 0%-6o | %6Lu | %2u | %d | %s xattr-20003Corrupted directory: xattr %s listed but not found for file %s. %X.%Xjdm-20004Couldn't delete all xattrs (%d) jdm-20007Couldn't chown all xattrs (%d) .reiserfs_privjdm-2005xattrs/ACLs not supported on pre-v3.6 format filesystems. Failing mount.xattrs%s called without kernel lock held %dBlock Allocation Reservation Windows Map (%s): reservation window 0x%p start: %lu, end: %lu Bad reservation %p (start >= end) Bad reservation %p (prev->end >= start) Window map complete. ext3_get_group_descblock_group >= groups_count - block_group = %d, groups_count = %luGroup descriptor not loaded - block_group = %d, group_desc = %lu, desc = %luCannot read block bitmap - block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %uInvalid block bitmap - block_group = %d, block = %luext3_free_blocksFreeing blocks not in datazone - block = %lu, count = %luFreeing blocks in system zones - Block = %lu, count = %lubit already cleared for block %luext3_new_blockAllocating block in system zone - blocks from %lu, length %lublock(%lu) >= blocks count(%d) - block_group = %d, es == %p Discard command returned error %d rec_len is smaller than minimalrec_len % 4 != 0rec_len is too small for name_lendirectory entry across blocksinode out of boundsbad entry in directory #%lu: %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%ddirectory #%lu contains a hole at offset %lldext3_readdirread_inode_bitmapCannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %uext3_free_inode: inode has count=%d ext3_free_inode: inode has nlink=%d ext3_free_inode: inode on nonexistent device ext3_free_inodereserved or nonexistent inode %lubit already cleared for inode %luext3_new_inodereserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d, inode=%lubad orphan ino %lu! e2fsck was run?inode bitmap error for orphan %lubad orphan inode %lu! e2fsck was run?<5>ext3_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d <5>inode=%p <5>is_bad_inode(inode)=%d <5>NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=%u <5>max_ino=%lu <5>i_nlink=%u ext3_get_inode_locunable to read inode block - inode=%lu, block=%luext3_block_to_pathblock > bigerror %d when attempting revokeext3_free_datacircular indirect block detected, inode=%lu, block=%lluext3_free_branchesRead failure, inode=%lu, block=%lu<0>%s: transactions do not match! ext3_delete_entryerror %d reading directory #%lu offset 0bad directory (dir #%lu) - no data blockempty_dirbad directory (dir #%lu) - no `.' or `..'error %d reading directory #%lu offset %luext3_add_entryUnrecognised inode hash code %dUnimplemented inode hash flags: %#06xUnimplemented inode hash depth: %#06xdx entry: limit != root limitdx entry: no count or count > limitdx entry: limit != node limitCorrupt dir inode %ld, running e2fsck is recommended.ext3_find_entryerror reading index page in directory #%luhtree_dirblock_to_treeDirectory index full!invalid rec_len for '..' in inode %ludeleted inode referenced: %luext3_lookupbad inode number: %luext3_get_parentext3_renameDeleting old file (%lu), %d, error=%dext3_rmdirempty directory has nlink!=2 (%d)ext3_unlinkDeleting nonexistent file (%lu), %d,sb=%lu,minixdf,grpid,nogrpid,resuid=%u,resgid=%u,errors=remount-ro,errors=continue,errors=panic,nouid32,debug,user_xattr,nouser_xattr,noreservation,commit=%u,barrier=,data=%s,data_err=abort,norecovery,jqfmt=%s,usrjquota=%s,grpjquota=%s,usrquota,grpquotaEXT3 Inode %p: orphan list check failed! <6>&ei->xattr_sem&ei->truncate_mutexJournal has abortedReadonly filesystemIO failureext3_inode_cache<3>EXT3-fs: %s: aborting transaction: %s in %s %sEXT3-fs (%s): %pV <4>warning: Quota file not on filesystem root. Journaled quota will not work.warning: quota write (off=%llu, len=%llu) cancelled because transaction is not started.Quota write (off=%llu, len=%llu) cancelled because not block aligned<3>Cannot change journaled quota options when quota turned onNot enough memory for storing quotafile name%s quota file already specifiedquotafile must be on filesystem rootIgnoring deprecated oldalloc optionIgnoring deprecated orlov option(no)acl options not supportederror: cannot specify journal on remounterror: cannot change data mode on remount. The filesystem is mounted in data=%s mode and you try to remount it in data=%s mode.error: cannot change journaled quota options when quota turned on.error: cannot change quota options when quota turned on.error: resize option only available for remountwarning: ignoring deprecated nobh optionwarning: ignoring deprecated bh optionerror: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing valueerror: old and new quota format mixing.error: journaled quota format not specified.error: journaled quota format specified with no journaling enabled.error: no journal founderror: journal inode is deletederror: invalid journal inodeerror: could not load journal inodeprevious I/O error to superblock detectedI/O error while writing superblock<2>error: remounting filesystem read-onlyEXT3-fs (%s): panic forced after error <2>EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: %pV error in %s: %s<2>EXT3-fs (%s): error: %s: %pV EXT3-fs: panic from previous error Couldn't clean up the journalerror: sb orphan head is %dsb_info orphan list:Detected aborted journal<4>EXT3-fs (%s): warning: %s: %pV Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: %sMarking fs in need of filesystem check.warning: updating to rev %d because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommendederror: revision level too high, forcing read-only modewarning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommendedwarning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommendedwarning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommendedwarning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended[bs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx]using external journal on %susing internal journalsb=error: invalid sb specification: %serror: unable to set blocksizeerror: unable to read superblockwarning: feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommendederror: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x)error: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x)error: couldn't mount because of unsupported filesystem blocksize %derror: fsblocksize %d too small for hardware sectorsize %derror: bad blocksize %derror: can't read superblock on 2nd tryerror: magic mismatcherror: unsupported inode size: %derror: fragsize %lu != blocksize %u (unsupported)error: #fragments per group too big: %luerror: #inodes per group too big: %luerror: filesystem is too large to mount safelyerror: not enough memoryerror: can't read group descriptor %dext3_check_descriptorsBlock bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!Inode bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!Inode table for group %d not in group (block %lu)!&sbi->s_orphan_lock&sbi->s_resize_lockerror: group descriptors corruptedexternal journal device major/minor numbers have changederror: write access unavailable, cannot proceedwrite access will be enabled during recoveryerror: filesystem has both journal and inode journalserror: failed to open journal device %s: %lderror: blocksize too small for journal deviceerror: couldn't read superblock of external journalerror: external journal has bad superblockerror: journal UUID does not matcherror: failed to create device journalI/O error on journal deviceerror: external journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %d<6>EXT3-fs: barriers not enabled error updating journalerror loading journalerror: readonly filesystem when trying to create journalcreating new journal on inode %uerror creating journalerror: no journal found. mounting ext3 over ext2?error: journal does not support requested data journaling modeerror: get root inode failederror: corrupt root inode, run e2fsckerror: get root dentry failederror: write access unavailable, skipping orphan cleanup.Skipping orphan cleanup due to unknown ROCOMPAT featuresorphan cleanup on readonly fserror: cannot turn on journaled quota: %d<7>%s: truncating inode %lu to %Ld bytes <7>%s: deleting unreferenced inode %lu %d orphan inode%s deleted%d truncate%s cleaned uprecovery completemounted filesystem with %s data modeerror: can't find ext3 filesystem on dev %s.Abort forced by userwarning: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x)warning: couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount & mount instead.ext3bsddfbsdgroupssysvgroupssb=%unocheckcheck=noneorlovnoloadjournal=updatejournal=%ujournal_dev=%udata_err=ignoreusrjquota=grpjquota=jqfmt=vfsoldjqfmt=vfsv0jqfmt=vfsv1barrier=%ureserved GDT %lu missing grp %d (%lu)can't update backup for group %d (err %d), forcing fsck on next rebootno-superCan't resize non-sparse filesystem furtherblocks_count overflow inodes_count overflow No reserved GDT blocks, can't resizeError opening resize inode<7>EXT3-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Cannot add at group %u (only %lu groups)Last group not fullReserved blocks too high (%u)Bad blocks count %uCannot read last block (%lu)Block bitmap not in group (block %u)Inode bitmap not in group (block %u)Inode table not in group (blocks %u-%lu)Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%u)Block bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu)Inode bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu)Block bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu)Inode bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu)Inode table (%u-%lu) overlapsGDT table (%lu-%lu)multiple resizers run on filesystem!reserved block %lu not at offset %ld<7>EXT3-fs: ext3_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu won't resize using backup superblock at %llunew group %u GDT block %lu not reservednot enough memory for %lu groups<7>EXT3-fs: extending last group from %lu up to %lu blocks <3>EXT3-fs: filesystem on %s: too large to resize to %lu blocks safely can't shrink FS - resize abortedneed to use ext2online to resize furtherblocks_count overflowwill only finish group (%lu blocks, %u new)can't read last block, resize abortederror %d on journal starterror %d on journal write accesserror %d on journal dirty metadata<7>EXT3-fs: extended group to %u blocks inode %lu: bad block %luinode %lu: block %lu read errorext3_xattrreservation window 0x%p start: %lu, end: %lu ext2_get_group_descext2_free_blocksext2_new_blocks: nonexistent deviceext2_new_blocksunaligned directory entrysize of directory #%lu is not a multiple of chunk sizebad entry in directory #%lu: : %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%dext2_check_pageentry in directory #%lu spans the page boundaryoffset=%lu, inode=%lubad page in #%luzero-length directory entrydir %lu size %lld exceeds block count %llukaddr=%p, de=%p detected IO error when writing metadata buffersext2_free_inodeext2_release_inodecan't get descriptor for group %dext2_new_inodereserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d,inode=%luwarning: %s: block < 0warning: %s: block is too bigext2_free_branchesRead failure, inode=%ld, block=%ldext2_get_inodeIO error syncing ext2 inode [%s:%08lx] ,oldalloc,nobhext2_inode_cache%sEXT2-fs (%s): %pV previous I/O error to superblock detected (no)user_xattr optionsnot supportedxip option not supportedreservations ONreservations OFF%s, %s, bs=%lu, fs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx]0.5b95/08/09warning: refusing change of xip flag with busy inodes while remountingwarning: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x).<2>EXT2-fs (%s): error: %s: %pV EXT2-fs: panic from previous error EXT2-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s error: couldn't readsuperblock on 2nd tryerror: unsupported blocksizeerror: fragsize %lu != blocksize %lu(not supported yet)error: #blocks per group too big: %luerror: unable to read group descriptorsext2_check_descriptorswarning: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2error: can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev %s.xipblock_group >= groups_count - block_group = %u, groups_count = %uGroup descriptor not loaded - block_group = %u, group_desc = %u, desc = %uChecksum bad for group %uCannot read block bitmap - block_group = %u, block_bitmap = %lluInvalid block bitmap - block_group = %d, block = %llu<3>EXT4-fs: call_filldir: called with null fname?!? bad entry in directory: %s - offset=%u(%u), inode=%u, rec_len=%d, name_len=%ddirectory contains a hole at offset %lluUnaligned AIO/DIO on inode %ld by %s; performance will be poor.Cannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %u, inode_bitmap = %llu<3>ext4_free_inode: inode has count=%d <3>ext4_free_inode: inode has nlink=%d <3>ext4_free_inode: inode on nonexistent device reserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %u, inode=%lu<5>ext4_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d Something is wrong with group %u Used itable blocks: %ditable unused count: %u unable to read itable block<4>%s: allocation fail sb umounted, discard end_io request for inode %lu <5>ext4_da_release_space: ino %lu, to_free %d with only %d reserved data blocks %s: ino %lu, used %d with only %d reserved data blocks lblock %lu mapped to illegal pblock (length %d)bad extended attribute block %llubogus i_mode (%o)IO error syncing inodeUnable to expand inode %lu. Delete some EAs or run e2fsck.delayed block allocation failed for inode %lu at logical offset %llu with max blocks %zd with error %dThis should not happen!! Data will be lost <2>Total free blocks count %lld <2>Free/Dirty block details <2>free_blocks=%lld <2>dirty_blocks=%lld <2>Block reservation details <2>i_reserved_data_blocks=%u <2>i_reserved_meta_blocks=%u Failed to mark inode %lu dirty%s: jbd2_start: %ld pages, ino %lu; err %dcouldn't mark inode dirty (err %d)couldn't extend journal (err %d)ext4_io_pageext4_io_end<3>Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %llu I/O error writing to inode %lu (offset %llu size %ld starting block %llu)failed to convert unwritten extents to written extents -- potential data loss! (inode %lu, offset %llu, size %zd, error %d)Online resizing not supported with bigallocOnline defrag not supported with bigallocFITRIM not supported with bigallocerror %d reading directory lblock 0error %d reading directory lblock %ureading directory lblock %luinvalid rec_len for '..'deleted inode referenced: %ubad inode number: %ubad parent inode number: %uempty directory has too many links (%d),sb=%llu,min_batch_time=%u,max_batch_time=%u,journal_async_commit,journal_checksum,i_version,nodelalloc,nomblk_io_submit,stripe=%lu,data=journal,data=ordered,data=writeback,inode_readahead_blks=%u,noauto_da_alloc,discard,dioread_nolock,block_validity,noinit_itable,init_itable=%u&eli->li_list_mtxext4lazyinit<2>EXT4: error %d creating inode table initialization thread &ei->i_data_semfs/ext4&ext4__aio_mutex[i]ext4_inode_cache&ext4_li_mtx<3>%s:%d: aborting transaction: %s in %s %sEXT4-fs (%s): %pV Quota file not on filesystem root. Journaled quota will not workQuota write (off=%llu, len=%llu) cancelled because transaction is not startedInode %lu (%p): orphan list check failed!2.6.38Cannot specify journal on remountRemounting file system with no journal so ignoring journalled data optionCannot change data mode on remountCannot change quota options when quota turned onIgnoring deprecated nobh optionIgnoring deprecated bh optionEXT4-fs: inode_readahead_blks must be a power of 2Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing valueold and new quota format mixingjournaled quota format not specifiedjournaled quota format specified with no journaling enabledCouldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x)Can't support bigalloc feature without extents feature error count: %u<5>EXT4-fs (%s): initial error at %u: %.*s:%d: inode %u: block %llu<5>EXT4-fs (%s): last error at %u: %.*s:%dRemounting filesystem read-onlyEXT4-fs (device %s): panic forced after error <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s) in %s:%d: %s (unknown)<2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %llu: comm %s: path %s: %pV comm %s: %pV <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: comm %s: %pV <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: EXT4-fs panic from previous error <3>sb_info orphan list: <3> inode %s:%lu at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d <4>EXT4-fs warning (device %s): %s:%d: %pV <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: group %u, inode %lu: block %llu:%pV <6>[EXT4 FS bs=%lu, gc=%u, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04x, mo2=%04x] ext4_remount: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u)Couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount/remount insteadre-mounted. Opts: %s ordered data modeout journal journalled data mode writeback data mode; <3>EXT4-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s failed to parse options in superblock: %s<4>EXT4-fs: Warning: mounting with data=journal disables delayed allocation and O_DIRECT support! can't mount with both data=journal and delalloccan't mount with dioread_nolock if block size != PAGE_SIZEUnsupported filesystem blocksize %dbad block size %dCan't read superblock on 2nd tryMagic mismatch, very weird!unsupported descriptor size %lucluster size (%d) smaller than block size (%d)#clusters per group too big: %lublocks per group (%lu) and clusters per group (%lu) inconsistentfragment/cluster size (%d) != block size (%d)filesystem too large to mount safely on this systembad geometry: block count %llu exceeds size of device (%llu blocks)bad geometry: first datablock %u is beyond end of filesystem (%llu)groups count too large: %u (block count %llu, first data block %u, blocks per group %lu)ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)!ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)!ext4_check_descriptors: Inode table for group %u not in group (block %llu)!ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u)group descriptors corrupted!not enough memory for %u flex groupsunable to initialize flex_bg meta info!INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystemfilesystem has both journal and inode journals!Could not load journal inodeExternal journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %dbarriers disabledrequired journal recovery suppressed and not mounted read-onlyFailed to set 64-bit journal featureJournal does not support requested data journaling modeext4-dio-unwritten<3>EXT4-fs: failed to create DIO workqueue required extra inode space notavailablefailed to initialize system zone (%d)failed to initialize mballoc (%d)write access unavailable, skipping orphan cleanupCannot turn on journaled quota: error %d%s: truncating inode %lu to %lld bytes%s: deleting unreferenced inode %lumounted filesystem with%s. Opts: %s%s%sVFS: Can't find ext4 filesystemmount failedstripe=%unoblock_validityjournal_ioprio=%uauto_da_alloc=%udioread_locknodiscardlazy_itable_initbatched_discarddelayed_allocation_blockssession_write_kbyteslifetime_write_kbytesextent_cache_hitsextent_cache_missesinode_readahead_blksinode_goalmb_statsmb_max_to_scanmb_min_to_scanmb_order2_reqmb_stream_reqmb_group_preallocmax_writeback_mb_bumpreserved GDT %llu missing grp %d (%llu)can't update backup for group %u (err %d), forcing fsck on next rebootThere are errors in the filesystem, so online resizing is not allowed inodes_count overflow<7>EXT4-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Cannot add at group %u (only %u groups)Cannot read last block (%llu)Block bitmap not in group (block %llu)Inode bitmap not in group (block %llu)Inode table not in group (blocks %llu-%llu)Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%llu)Block bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu)Inode bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu)Block bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu)Inode bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu)Inode table (%llu-%llu) overlaps GDT table (%llu-%llu)reserved block %llu not at offset %ld<7>EXT4-fs: ext4_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu new group %u GDT block %llu not reserved<7>EXT4-fs: extending last group from %llu to %llu blocks <3>EXT4-fs: filesystem on %s: too large to resize to %llu blocks safely will only finish group (%llu blocks, %u new)<7>EXT4-fs: extended group to %llu blocks invalid magicunexpected eh_depthinvalid eh_maxtoo large eh_maxinvalid eh_entriesinvalid extent entriesbad header/extent: %s - magic %x, entries %u, max %u(%u), depth %u(%u)eh->eh_entries == 0 and EOFBLOCKS_FL setex %p == NULL or eh %p == NULLpath->p_hdr->eh_entries == 0path[%d].p_hdr == NULL bad truncate %u:%u <6>strange request: removal(2) %u-%u from %u:%u ppos %d > depth %deh->eh_entries = 0!ext4_ext_get_actual_len(newext) == 0p_ext > EXT_MAX_EXTENT!newblock == 0!eh_entries %d != eh_max %d!k %d < 0!EXT_MAX_INDEX != EXT_LAST_INDEX ee_block %d!logical %d == ei_block %d!eh_entries %d >= eh_max %d!ix > EXT_MAX_INDEX!ix > EXT_LAST_INDEX!bad extent address lblock: %lu, depth: %d pblock %lldpath == NULL *logical %d!EXT_FIRST_EXTENT != ex *logical %d ee_block %d!ix (%d) != EXT_FIRST_INDEX (%d) (depth %d)!logical %d < ee_block %d + ee_len %d!first_extent(path[%d].p_hdr) != exix != EXT_FIRST_INDEX *logical %d!<3>%s: ext4_ext_map_blocks returned error inode#%lu, block=%u, max_blocks=%ucbex.ec_len == 0IO error syncing itable blockBlock already on to-be-freed liststart %lu, size %lu, fe_logical %lu%u clusters in bitmap, %u in gdfreeing already freed block (bit %u)pa %p: logic %lu, phys. %lu, len %lufree %u, pa_free %uError reading block bitmap for %uError loading buddy information for %u#%-5s: %-5s %-5s %-5s [ %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s ] frags2^02^12^22^32^42^52^62^72^82^92^102^112^122^13#%-5u: I/O error #%-5u: %-5u %-5u %-5u [ %-5u%d free clusters as per group info. But bitmap says 0%d free clusters as per group info. But got %d blocksAllocating blocks %llu-%llu which overlap fs metadata EXT4-fs: can't allocate mem for a buddy groupEXT4-fs: can't allocate buddy mem&meta_group_info[i]->alloc_sem<0>EXT4-fs: no memory for groupinfo slab cache &lg->lg_mutexcan't allocate buddy meta groupcan't get new inodecan't read descriptor %umb_groupsmballoc: %u blocks %u reqs (%u success)mballoc: %u extents scanned, %u goal hits, %u 2^N hits, %u breaks, %u lostmballoc: %lu generated and it took %Lumballoc: %u preallocated, %u discardedext4_prealloc_spaceext4_allocation_contextext4_free_datauh-oh! used pa while discardingFreeing blocks not in datazone - block = %llu, count = %luFreeing blocks in system zone - Block = %llu, count = %lutoo much blocks added to group %u Adding blocks in system zones - Block = %llu, count = %lubit already cleared for block %lluError in loading buddy information for %uext4_groupinfo_1kext4_groupinfo_2kext4_groupinfo_4kext4_groupinfo_8kext4_groupinfo_16kext4_groupinfo_32kext4_groupinfo_64kext4_groupinfo_128kext4_system_zone<6>System zones: %s%llu-%lluinvalid blocknew_ext_end(%u) should be less than or equal to oext->ee_block(%u) + oext_alen(%d) - 1The extent for donor must be foundDonor offset(%u) and the first block of donor extent(%u) should be equalBoth inodes should not be NULL: inode1 NULL inode2 %luBoth inodes should not be NULL: inode1 %lu inode2 NULLWe replaced blocks too much! sum of replaced: %llu requested: %lluError while reading MMP block %lluMMP failure info: last update time: %llu, last update node: %s, last update device: %s Error writing to MMP blockkmmpd being stopped since MMP feature has been disabled.kmmpd being stopped since filesystem has been remounted as readonly.error reading MMP data: %dError while updating MMP info. The filesystem seems to have been multiply mounted.Invalid MMP block in superblockfsck is running on the filesystemMMP interval %u higher than expected, please wait. MMP startup interrupted, failing mount Device is already active on another node.not enough memory for mmpd_datakmmpd-%sUnable to create kmmpd thread for %s.block %lu > max in inode %lucurrent_block %llu + count %lu > %d!<6>%s returned more blocks than requested current_block %llu + ar.len %d > %d!attempt to clear invalid blocks %llu len %lucircular indirect block detected at block %lluinvalid indirect mapped block %lu (level %d)Read failureCan't allocate blocks for non-extent mapped inodes with bigallocbad block %llublock %llu read errorext4_xattr<4>JBD: Spotted dirty metadata buffer (dev = %s, blocknr = %llu). There's a risk of filesystem corruption in case of system crash. <3>JBD: %s wants too many credits (%d > %d) <3>EXT3-fs unexpected failure: %s; !jh->b_committed_data<3>inconsistent data on disk <0>%s: OOM for frozen_buffer buffer_uptodate(jh2bh(jh))<3>Possible IO failure. <0>%s: No memory for committed data <4>JBD: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on %s <3>JBD: corrupted journal superblock <3>JBD: bad block at offset %u <3>JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u <3>JBD: IO error %d recovering block %u in log <3>JBD: Out of memory during recovery. <3>JBD: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u <3>JBD: error %d scanning journal <3>%s: needed %d blocks and only had %d space available <3>%s: no way to get more journal space !buffer_revoked(bh)<0>JBD: no memory for journal_head cache <0>JBD: failed to create handle cache <3>JBD: IO error reading journal superblock <4>JBD: no valid journal superblock found <4>JBD: unrecognised superblock format ID <4>JBD: journal file too short <4>JBD: Invalid start block of journal: %u <0>journal commit I/O error <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval %ld seconds &journal->j_barrier&journal->j_checkpoint_mutex<3>%s: Can't allocate bhs for commit thread <3>%s: Cannot get buffer for journal superblock <4>JBD: Converting superblock from version 1 to 2. jbd: bad log_start_commit: %u %u %u %u <3>JBD: previous I/O error detected for journal superblock update for %s. <3>JBD: I/O error detected when updating journal superblock for %s. <3>Aborting journal on device %s. <1>%s: journal block not found at offset %u on %s <3>%s: Cannot locate journal superblock ClearingIgnoring<4>JBD: %s recovery information on journal <3>JBD: Journal too short (blocks %u-%u). kjournald<4>JBD: Unrecognised features on journal <4>JBD: recovery failed <3>Journal length (%d blocks) too short. <0>%s: creation of journal on external device! <5>ENOMEM in %s, retrying. <4>%s: freeing b_frozen_data <4>%s: freeing b_committed_data <4>JBD2: Spotted dirty metadata buffer (dev = %s, blocknr = %llu). There's a risk of filesystem corruption in case of system crash. <3>JBD2: %s wants too many credits (%d > %d) <3>JBD2 unexpected failure: %s: %s; <0>JBD: %s: jh->b_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != journal->j_running_transaction (%p, %u)<0>JBD: %s: jh->b_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != journal->j_committing_transaction (%p, %u)<0>JBD: %s: jh->b_next_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != transaction (%p, %u)<4>JBD2: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on %s <3>JBD2: corrupted journal superblock <3>JBD2: bad block at offset %u <3>JBD2: Failed to read block at offset %u <3>JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %lu in log <3>JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log <3>JBD2: Out of memory during recovery. <3>JBD2: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u <3>JBD2: error %d scanning journal <3>JBD2: %s: Waiting for Godot: block %llu <3>%s: no way to get more journal space in %s jbd2_revoke_recordjbd2_revoke_table<3>JBD2: IO error reading journal superblock <4>JBD2: no valid journal superblock found <4>JBD2: unrecognised superblock format ID <4>JBD2: journal file too short <4>JBD2: Invalid start block of journal: %u %lu transaction, each up to %u blocks average: %ums waiting for transaction %ums running transaction %ums transaction was being locked %ums flushing data (in ordered mode) %ums logging transaction %lluus average transaction commit time %lu handles per transaction %lu blocks per transaction %lu logged blocks per transaction jbd2_journal_head<0>JBD2: no memory for journal_head cache <0>JBD2: failed to create handle cache jbd2_inode<0>JBD2: failed to create inode cache fs/jbd2jbd2_journal_handle<4>JBD2: Converting superblock from version 1 to 2. JBD2: bad log_start_commit: %u %u %u %u <3>JBD2: previous I/O error detected for journal superblock update for %s. <3>JBD2: I/O error detected when updating journal superblock for %s. <4>JBD2: %s recovery information on journal <4>JBD2: Unrecognised features on journal <0>JBD2: no memory for jbd2_slab cache <3>JBD2: journal transaction %u on %s is corrupt. <3>JBD2: Journal too short (blocks %llu-%llu). jbd2/%s<4>JBD2: recovery failed <1>%s: journal block not found at offset %lu on %s -%lujbd2_1kjbd2_2kjbd2_4kjbd2_8kjbd2_16kjbd2_32kjbd2_64kjbd2_128k<3>cramfs: bad compressed blocksize %u <3>cramfs: wrong endianess <3>cramfs: wrong magic <3>cramfs: unsupported filesystem features <3>cramfs: root is not a directory <6>cramfs: empty filesystem<3>cramfs: bad root offset %lu cramfszlib_inflateReset error %d Error %d while decompressing! %p(%d)->%p(%d) <3>SQUASHFS error: squashfs_read_data failed to read block 0x%llx <3>SQUASHFS error: Unable to read %s cache entry [%llx] <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s cache <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s cache entry <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s buffer <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_dir_entry <3>SQUASHFS error: Unable to read directory block [%llx:%x] <3>SQUASHFS error: read_indexes: Failed to allocate block_list <3>SQUASHFS error: read_indexes: reading block [%llx:%x] <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate meta_index <3>SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block %llx, size %x <3>SQUASHFS error: Unknown inode type %d in squashfs_iget! <3>SQUASHFS error: Unable to read inode 0x%llx <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_dir_index <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_sb_info &msblk->read_data_mutex&msblk->meta_index_mutex<3>SQUASHFS error: unable to read squashfs_super_block <3>SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on %s <3>SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, older Squashfs %d.%d filesystems are unsupported <3>SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, trying to mount newer %d.%d filesystem <3>SQUASHFS error: Please update your kernel <3>SQUASHFS error: Filesystem uses "%s" compression. This is not supported <3>SQUASHFS error: Page size > filesystem block size (%d). This is currently not supported! <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate read_page block <3>SQUASHFS error: Xattrs in filesystem, these will be ignored <3>SQUASHFS error: unable to read xattr id index table <3>SQUASHFS error: unable to read id index table <3>SQUASHFS error: unable to read inode lookup table fragment<3>SQUASHFS error: unable to read fragment index table <3>SQUASHFS error: Root inode create failed squashfs_inode_cache<6>squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher squashfs<3>SQUASHFS error: Unable to read symlink [%llx:%x] lzoxzlzma<3>SQUASHFS error: zlib_inflateInit returned unexpected result 0x%x, srclength %d <3>SQUASHFS error: zlib_inflate error, data probably corrupt <3>SQUASHFS error: zlib_uncompress error, data remaining <3>SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate zlib workspace zlibfat_cache%s: detected the cluster chain loop (i_pos %lld)%s: invalid cluster chain (i_pos %lld)%s: request beyond EOF (i_pos %lld)filename was truncated while converting.Directory bread(block %llu) failed. .. Couldn't remove the long name slotsCorrupted directory (i_pos %lld)Odd directory sizeFAT read failed (blocknr %llu)&sbi->fat_lockinvalid access to FAT (entry 0x%08x)%s: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF,fmask=%04o,dmask=%04o,allow_utime=%04o,codepage=%s,iocharset=%s,shortname=win95,shortname=winnt,shortname=mixed,shortname=lower,shortname=unknown,check=%c,usefree,quiet,showexec,sys_immutable,dotsOK=yes,nocase,utf8,uni_xlate,nonumtail,rodir,flush,tz=UTC&ei->truncate_lockunable to read inode block for updating (i_pos %lld)"%s" option is obsolete, not supported nowutf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive!unable to read boot sectorbogus number of reserved sectorsbogus number of FAT structureinvalid media value (0x%02x)bogus logical sector size %ubogus sectors per cluster %ulogical sector size too small for device (logical sector size = %u)unable to set blocksize %uunable to read boot sector (logical sector size = %lu)bread failed, FSINFO block (sector = %lu)Invalid FSINFO signature: 0x%08x, 0x%08x (sector = %lu)bogus directroy-entries per block (%u)count of clusters too big (%u)cp%dcodepage %s not foundIO charset %s not foundCan't find a valid FAT filesystemcorrupted file size (i_pos %lld, %lld)fat_inode_cacheEXECOMBATcheck=relaxedcheck=strictcheck=normalcheck=rcheck=scheck=numask=%odmask=%ofmask=%oallow_utime=%ocodepage=%uconv=binaryconv=textconv=autoconv=bconv=tconv=afat=%ublocksize=%ucvf_format=%20scvf_options=%100sposixutf8=0utf8=noutf8=falseutf8=1utf8=yesutf8=trueuni_xlate=0uni_xlate=nouni_xlate=falseuni_xlate=1uni_xlate=yesuni_xlate=truenonumtail=0nonumtail=nononumtail=falsenonumtail=1nonumtail=yesnonumtail=truenodotsdotsOK=no<3>FAT-fs (%s): error, %pV FAT-fs (%s): fs panic from previous error <3>FAT-fs (%s): Filesystem has been set read-only %sFAT-fs (%s): %pV bread failed in fat_clusters_flushclusters badly computed (%d != %llu)%s: Filesystem corrupted (i_pos %lld)vfatmsdosnls_%siso8859-1cp437cp850iso8859-15<4>JFFS2: No memory for compressor allocation. Compression failed. <4>JFFS2: No memory for compressor allocation. (%d bytes) <3>JFFS2: unknown compression mode. <4>Decompressor "%s" returned %d <4>JFFS2 compression type 0x%02x not available. <4>NULL compressor name at registering JFFS2 compressor. Failed. <4>JFFS2: Compressor modul is in use. Unregister failed. <5>jffs2_rename(): Link succeeded, unlink failed (err %d). You now have a hard link <4>Can't allocate %d bytes of memory <4>iget() failed for ino #%u <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: duplicate frag at %08x (%p,%p) <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: cannot allocate a jffs2_node_frag object <2>ref %p @0x%08x is not jeb->last_node (%p @0x%08x) <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Adding new ref %p at (0x%08x-0x%08x) not immediately after previous (0x%08x-0x%08x) <2>Dirty space 0x%x larger then free_size 0x%x (wasted 0x%x) jffs2_full_dnodejffs2_raw_direntjffs2_raw_inodejffs2_tmp_dnodejffs2_refblockjffs2_node_fragjffs2_inode_cache<4>Error reading node from 0x%08x: %d <4>Short read from 0x%08x: wanted 0x%zx bytes, got 0x%zx <4>Node CRC %08x != calculated CRC %08x for node at %08x <4>Data CRC %08x != calculated CRC %08x for node at %08x <4>Error: jffs2_decompress returned %d <4>argh. node added in wrong place at 0x%08x(%d) <4>nextblock 0x%08x<4>No nextblock, expected at %08x <5>EEEEEK. jffs2_mark_node_obsolete called with NULL node <5>raw node at 0x%08x is off the end of device! <2>Argh. No free space left for GC. nr_erasing_blocks is %d. nr_free_blocks is %d. (erasableempty: %s, erasingempty: %s, erasependingempty: %s) <4>Eep. Block 0x%08x taken from free_list had free_size of 0x%08x!! <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: MTD point returned len too short: %zu instead of %u. <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: MTD point failed: error code %d. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: can not read %d bytes from 0x%08x, error code: %d. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: short read at %#08x: %zd instead of %d. <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x%08x: read %#08x, calculated %#08x. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: check_node_data() returned error: %d. <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Eep. No valid nodes for ino #%u. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: short read at %#08x: %zu instead of %d. <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: Node header CRC failed at %#08x. {%04x,%04x,%08x,%08x} <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: Wrong magic bitmask 0x%04x in node header at %#08x. <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: header CRC failed on dirent node at %#08x: read %#08x, calculated %#08x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: illegal nsize in node at %#08x: nsize %#02x, totlen %#04x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: read remainder of name: error %d <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: node CRC failed on dnode at %#08x: read %#08x, calculated %#08x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: failed to allocate tn (%zu bytes). <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: inode node header CRC is corrupted at %#08x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: alloc fn failed <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: REF_UNCHECKED but unknown node at %#08x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Node is {%04x,%04x,%08x,%08x}. Please report this error. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: unknown INCOMPAT nodetype %#04X at %#08x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: unknown ROCOMPAT nodetype %#04X at %#08x <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: unknown RWCOMPAT_COPY nodetype %#04X at %#08x <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: unknown RWCOMPAT_DELETE nodetype %#04X at %#08x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: cannot read nodes for ino %u, returned error is %d <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Add node to tree failed %d <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Failed to build final fragtree for inode #%u: error %d <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: no data nodes found for ino #%u <5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: but it has children so we fake some modes for it <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: failed to read from flash: error %d, %zd of %zd bytes read <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: CRC failed for read_inode of inode %u at physical location 0x%x <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Truncating ino #%u to %d bytes failed because it only had %d bytes to start with! <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: can't allocate %d bytes of memory for the symlink target path cache <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Argh. Special inode #%u with mode 0%o had metadata node <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Argh. Special inode #%u with mode 0%o has no fragments <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Argh. Special inode #%u with mode 0x%x had more than one node <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Eep. Trying to read_inode #%u when it's already in state %d! <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: cannot allocate inocache for root inode <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: requestied to read an nonexistent ino %u &f->sem<4>jffs2_write_dnode: ri->totlen (0x%08x) != sizeof(*ri) (0x%08zx) + datalen (0x%08x) <5>Write of %zd bytes at 0x%08x failed. returned %d, retlen %zd <5>Not marking the space at 0x%08x as dirty because the flash driver returned retlen zero <2>Error in jffs2_write_dirent() -- name contains zero bytes! <2>Directory inode #%u, name at *0x%p "%s"->ino #%u, name_crc 0x%08x <4>Eep. We didn't actually write any data in jffs2_write_inode_range() <4>Deleting inode #%u with active dentry "%s"->ino #%u <5>jffs2_scan_make_inode_cache(): allocation of inode cache failed <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Can't allocate memory for summary <4>Eep. ofs 0x%08x not word-aligned! <4>ofs 0x%08x has already been seen. Skipping <4>Empty flash at 0x%08x ends at 0x%08x <4>Magic bitmask is backwards at offset 0x%08x. Wrong endian filesystem? <4>Old JFFS2 bitmask found at 0x%08x <4>You cannot use older JFFS2 filesystems with newer kernels <5>jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x%04x not found at 0x%08x: 0x%04x instead <5>Further such events for this erase block will not be printed <5>jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Node at 0x%08x {0x%04x, 0x%04x, 0x%08x) has invalid CRC 0x%08x (calculated 0x%08x) <4>Node at 0x%08x with length 0x%08x would run over the end of the erase block <4>Perhaps the file system was created with the wrong erase size? <5>jffs2_scan_inode_node(): CRC failed on node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <5>jffs2_scan_dirent_node(): Node CRC failed on node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <3>Dirent at %08x has zeroes in name. Truncating to %d chars <5>jffs2_scan_dirent_node(): Name CRC failed on node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x%08x has totlen 0x%x != normal 0x%x <5>CLEANMARKER node found at 0x%08x, not first node in block (0x%08x) <5>Read-only compatible feature node (0x%04x) found at offset 0x%08x <5>Incompatible feature node (0x%04x) found at offset 0x%08x <4>jffs2_scan_medium(): unknown block state <5>Cowardly refusing to erase blocks on filesystem with no valid JFFS2 nodes <5>empty_blocks %d, bad_blocks %d, c->nr_blocks %d <4>Header CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <4>Node CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE data node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <4>Data CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE data node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <4>Node CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE dirent node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <4>Name in dirent node at 0x%08x contains zeroes <4>Name CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE dirent node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x <4>Unknown node type for REF_PRISTINE node at 0x%08x: 0x%04x <5>Write of %d bytes at 0x%08x failed. returned %d, retlen %zd <4>jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_dirent failed: %d <4>jffs2_write_dirent in garbage_collect_dirent failed: %ld <4>kmalloc of mdata failed in jffs2_garbage_collect_metadata() <4>read of old metadata failed in jffs2_garbage_collect_metadata(): %d <4>jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_metadata failed: %d <4>Error writing new dnode: %ld <4>Node read failed in jffs2_garbage_collect_hole. Ret %d, retlen %zd. Data will be lost by writing new hole node <4>jffs2_garbage_collect_hole: Node at 0x%08x had node type 0x%04x instead of JFFS2_NODETYPE_INODE(0x%04x) <4>jffs2_garbage_collect_hole: Node at 0x%08x had totlen 0x%x instead of expected 0x%zx <4>jffs2_garbage_collect_hole: Node at 0x%08x had CRC 0x%08x which doesn't match calculated CRC 0x%08x <4>Data in the range 0x%08x to 0x%08x of inode #%u will be lost <4>jffs2_garbage_collect_hole: Node 0x%08x wasn't a hole node! <4>jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_hole failed: %d <4>Error writing new hole node: %ld <4>jffs2_garbage_collect_hole: Old node still has frags! <4>jffs2_garbage_collect_hole: New node has no frags! <4>read_cache_page() returned error: %ld <4>jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_dnode failed: %d <4>jffs2_g_c_deletion_dirent(): Read error (%d) reading obsolete node at %08x <4>jffs2_g_c_deletion_dirent(): Short read (%zd not %u) reading header from obsolete node at %08x <4>But it's obsolete so we don't mind too much <4>Deletion dirent "%s" not found in list for ino #%u <4>Raw node at 0x%08x wasn't in node lists for ino #%u <2>Checked all inodes but still 0x%x bytes of unchecked space? <4>Inode #%u is in state %d during CRC check phase! <4>Returned error for crccheck of ino #%u. Expect badness... <4>Eep. ret->gc_node for block at 0x%08x is NULL <4>eep. End of raw list while still supposedly nodes to GC <4>erase block at 0x%08x. free_size 0x%08x, dirty_size 0x%08x, used_size 0x%08x <2>Inode #%u already in state %d in jffs2_garbage_collect_pass()! <3>Error garbage collecting node at %08x! <3>jffs2_follow_link(): can't find symlink target <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: child dir "%s" (ino #%u) of dir ino #%u appears to be a hard link <4>Erase at 0x%08llx finished, but state != MTD_ERASE_DONE. State is 0x%x instead. <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: inode_cache/xattr_datum/xattr_ref not found in remove_node_refs()!! <4>Newly-erased block contained word 0x%lx at offset 0x%08tx <4>Failed to allocate page buffer for verifying erase at 0x%08x. Refiling <4>Read of newly-erased block at 0x%08x failed: %d. Putting on bad_list <4>Short read from newly-erased block at 0x%08x. Wanted %d, got %zd <4>Newly-erased block contained word 0x%lx at offset 0x%08x <4>Write clean marker to block at 0x%08x failed: %d <4>Short write to newly-erased block at 0x%08x: Wanted %zd, got %zd <4>kmalloc for struct erase_info in jffs2_erase_block failed. Refiling block for later <4>Erase at 0x%08x failed immediately: -EROFS. Is the sector locked? <4>Erase at 0x%08x failed immediately: errno %d <5>No space for garbage collection. Aborting GC thread jffs2_gcd_mtd%d<4>fork failed for JFFS2 garbage collect thread: %ld <5>Device node has strange size %d <5>Read device numbers for inode %lu failed <4>jffs2_read_inode(): Bogus imode %o for ino %lu <5>Eep. read_inode() failed for ino #%u. unlinked %d <6>jffs2: Flash size not aligned to erasesize, reducing to %dKiB <3>jffs2: Too few erase blocks (%d) <6>JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) (SUMMARY) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. jffs2_i<3>JFFS2 error: Failed to initialise inode cache <3>JFFS2 error: Failed to initialise compressors <3>JFFS2 error: Failed to initialise slab caches <3>JFFS2 error: Failed to register filesystem ,compr=%s<3>JFFS2 Error: unknown compressor "%s"<3>JFFS2 Error: unrecognized mount option '%s' or missing value &c->alloc_sem&c->erase_free_sem<7>[JFFS2 DBG] (%d) %s: Parent of directory ino #%u is #%u jffs2<3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: eeep, space accounting for block at 0x%08x is screwed. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: free %#08x + dirty %#08x + used %#08x + wasted %#08x + unchecked %#08x != total %#08x. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: eeep, space accounting superblock info is screwed. <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: free %#08x + dirty %#08x + used %#08x + erasing %#08x + bad %#08x + wasted %#08x + unchecked %#08x != total %#08x. <2>jffs2_flush_wbuf() called with alloc_sem not locked! <4>jffs2_flush_wbuf(): Write failed with %d <4>jffs2_flush_wbuf(): Write was short: %zd instead of %d <2>Malloc failure in wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. <2>Old data are already lost in wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. <4>Failed to allocate space for wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. <4>Failed to allocate node refs for wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. <2>Recovery of wbuf failed due to a second write error <5>Recovery of wbuf succeeded to %08x <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Failed to iget() ino #%u, err %ld <3>JFFS2 error: (%d) %s: Inode #%u is in strange state %d! <2>jffs2_flush_wbuf(): Accounting error. wbuf at 0x%08x has 0x%03x bytes, 0x%03x left. <2>jffs2_flush_wbuf(): But free_size for block at 0x%08x is only 0x%08x <2>jffs2_flash_writev(): Non-contiguous write to %08lx <2>wbuf was previously %08x-%08x <4>mtd->read(0x%zx bytes from 0x%llx) returned ECC error <3>cannot read OOB for EB at %08x, requested %zd bytes, read %zd bytes, error %d <3>cannot write OOB for EB at %08x, requested %zd bytes, read %zd bytes, error %d <4>JFFS2: marking eraseblock at %08x as bad<3>inconsistent device description &c->wbuf_sem<4>JFFS2 flash size adjusted to %dKiB <6>JFFS2 write-buffering enabled buffer (%d) erasesize (%d) rtime<4>inflateInit failed <5>inflate returned %d <4>deflateInit failed <4>Failed to allocate %d bytes for deflate workspace <4>Failed to allocate %d bytes for inflate workspace <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: UNKNOWN node type %u <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Can't allocate memory for summary information! <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Can't allocate buffer for writing out summary information! <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR!<5>JFFS2 notice: (%d) %s: scan_make_ino_cache failed <3>Dirent at %08x has zero at start of name. Aborting mount. <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Unsupported node type %x found in summary! Exiting... <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Free size 0x%x bytes in eraseblock @0x%08x with summary? <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Summary node crc error, skipping summary information. <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Empty summary info!!! <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Summary too big (%d data, %d pad) in eraseblock at %08x <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Not enough space for summary, padsize = %d <4>JFFS2 warning: (%d) %s: Write of %u bytes at 0x%08x failed. returned %d, retlen %zd failed to truncate bmap (ino=%lu, err=%d)cannot get inode (ino=%lu) failed to reget inode block. <4>nilfs_get_block: a race condition while inserting a data block. (inode number=%lu, file block offset=%llu) tried to mark bad_inode dirty. ignored. nilfs_check_pagezero-length directory entry (kaddr=%p, de=%p) ,nobarrier,cp=%llu,order=strict<3>NILFS: get root inode failed <3>NILFS: corrupt root inode. <3>NILFS: get root dentry failed <3>NILFS: "%s" option is invalid for remount. <3>NILFS: Unrecognized mount option "%s" nilfs2_inode_cachenilfs2_transaction_cachenilfs2_segbuf_cachenilfs2_btree_path_cache<6>NILFS version 2 loaded <4>NILFS warning (device %s): %s: %pV <2>NILFS: superblock broke on dev %s <3>NILFS: unable to write superblock (err=%d) <4>NILFS warning: mounting fs with errors <2>NILFS error (device %s): %s: %pV <2>Remounting filesystem read-only NILFS (device %s): panic forced after error <4>NILFS (device %s): couldn't remount because the filesystem is in an incomplete recovery state. <4>NILFS (device %s): couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%llx) <4>NILFS warning: unable to move secondary superblock to block %llu <3>NILFS: Invalid checkpoint (checkpoint number=%llu) read/write<3>NILFS: error loading last checkpoint (checkpoint number=%llu). <3>NILFS: the device already has a %s mount. <3>NILFS: The specified checkpoint is not a snapshot (checkpoint number=%llu). <3>NILFS: error loading snapshot (checkpoint number=%llu). <3>NILFS: invalid mount option: %s <3>NILFS: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%llx) <3>NILFS: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%llx) nilfs2cp=%uorder=%sdeleting nonexistent file (%lu), %d <2>NILFS_PAGE_BUG(NULL) <2>NILFS_PAGE_BUG(%p): cnt=%d index#=%llu flags=0x%lx mapping=%p ino=%lu <2> BH[%d] %p: cnt=%d block#=%llu state=0x%lx &mi->mi_sembroken bmap (inode number=%lu) &bmap->b_sem<4>%s: invalid btree level: %d (key=%llu, ino=%lu, blocknr=%llu) <2>NILFS: bad btree node (blocknr=%llu): level = %d, flags = 0x%x, nchildren = %d <2>NILFS: btree level mismatch: %d != %d <2>%s: key = %llu, level == %d <2>%s: invalid key: %llu <2>%s: invalid pointer: %llu fs/nilfs2/dat.c<2>%s: vbn = %llu, [%llu, %llu) <4>NILFS warning: I/O error on loading last segment <4>NILFS warning: Segment magic number invalid <4>NILFS warning: Sequence number mismatch <4>NILFS warning: Checksum error in super root <4>NILFS warning: Checksum error in segment payload <4>NILFS warning: Inconsistent segment <4>NILFS warning: No super root in the last segment <3>NILFS: error loading the latest checkpoint. <4>NILFS warning: error recovering data block (err=%d, ino=%lu, block-offset=%llu) <6>NILFS (device %s): salvaged %lu blocks <3>NILFS (device %s): Error roll-forwarding (err=%d, pseg block=%llu). <3>NILFS: Error preparing segments for recovery. <3>NILFS: Oops! recovery failed. (err=%d) <4>NILFS warning: buffer sync write failed during post-cleaning of recovery. <3>NILFS invalid last segment number. &nilfs->ns_sem&nilfs->ns_segctor_sem<4>NILFS warning: mounting unchecked fs <6>NILFS: INFO: recovery required for readonly filesystem. <6>NILFS: write access will be enabled during recovery. <4>NILFS warning: unable to fall back to sparesuper block <6>NILFS: try rollback from an earlier position <4>NILFS warning: blocksize differs between two super blocks (%d != %d) <3>NILFS: error loading super root. <6>NILFS: norecovery option specified. skipping roll-forward recovery <3>NILFS: couldn't proceed with recovery because of unsupported optional features (%llx) <3>NILFS: write access unavailable, cannot proceed. <3>NILFS: recovery cancelled because norecovery option was specified for a read/write mount <3>NILFS: failed to update super block. recovery unfinished. <6>NILFS: recovery complete. <3>NILFS: error searching super root. <3>NILFS: unable to read superblock <4>NILFS warning: unable to read primary superblock (blocksize = %d) <4>NILFS warning: unable to read secondary superblock (blocksize = %d) <3>NILFS: Can't find nilfs on dev %s. <4>NILFS warning: broken superblock. using spare superblock (blocksize = %d). <3>NILFS: unable to set blocksize <3>NILFS: couldn't mount because of unsupported filesystem blocksize %d <3>NILFS: blocksize %d too small for device (sector-size = %d). <3>NILFS: unsupported revision (superblock rev.=%d.%d, current rev.=%d.%d). Please check the version of mkfs.nilfs. <3>NILFS: too short segment. <3>NILFS: IO error writing segment failed to get inode block. <6>segctord starting. Construction interval = %lu seconds, CP frequency < %lu seconds <4>NILFS warning: journal info from a different FS segment construction failed. (err=%d)<4>NILFS warning: error %d on discard request, turning discards off for the device dirty file(s) after the final construction Hit dirty file after stopped log writer segctord<3>NILFS: error %d creating segctord thread <3>%s: invalid range of checkpoint numbers: [%llu, %llu) fs/nilfs2/cpfile.c<3>%s: cannot delete block <4>%s: invalid segment number: %llu <4>%s: segment %llu must be clean <4>%s: segment %llu is already clean fs/nilfs2/sufile.cunable to read inode: %lu<4>%s: entry number %llu already freed <2>%s: invalid virtual block address (%s): ino=%llu, cno=%llu, offset=%llu, blocknr=%llu, vblocknr=%llu <2>%s: conflicting %s buffer: ino=%llu, cno=%llu, offset=%llu, blocknr=%llu, vblocknr=%llu fs/nilfs2/ioctl.c<3>NILFS: GC failed during preparation: cannot read source blocks: err=%d cannot delete checkpointscannot delete virtual blocks from DAT filecannot mark copying blocks dirty<3>NILFS: GC failed during preparation: %s: err=%d debugfs0x%016llx 0x%04llx 0x%02llx &ids->rw_mutex%10d %10d %4o %10lu %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu <6>msgmni has been set to %d sysvipc/msg key msqid perms cbytes qnum lspid lrpid uid gid cuid cgid stime rtime ctime %10d %10d %4o %10u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu sysvipc/sem key semid perms nsems uid gid cuid cgid otime ctime SYSV%08x%10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu sysvipc/shm key shmid perms size cpid lpid nattch uid gid cuid cgid atime dtime ctime rss swap shm_rmid_forcedauto_msgmniipc/sem.cipc/shm.csecurity.capability<5>%s: get_vfs_caps_from_disk returned %d for %s <6>warning: `%s' has both setuid-root and effective capabilities. Therefore not raising all capabilities. block/elevator.cblock/blk-core.cblock/blk-tag.cblock/blk-flush.cblock/blk-settings.cblock/blk-ioc.cblock/blk-softirq.cblock/blk-timeout.cblock/blk-iopoll.cblock/bsg.cblock/noop-iosched.c%s-iosched&eq->sysfs_lock<3>I/O scheduler %s not found <3>Default I/O scheduler not found. Using noop. (default)<6>io scheduler %s registered%s <3>%s: forced dispatching is broken (nr_sorted=%u), please report this <3>%s: bad insertion point %d <3>elevator: type %s not found <3>elevator: switch to %s failed none [%s] <6>%s: dev %s: type=%x, flags=%x <6> sector %llu, nr/cnr %u/%u <6> bio %p, biotail %p, buffer %p, len %u <6> cdb: %02x <3>%s: want %u bytes done, %u left recoverable transportcritical targetcritical nexusI/O<3>end_request: %s error, dev %s, sector %llu __end_that<3>%s: bio idx %d >= vcnt %d request botched<6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>%s: rw=%ld, want=%Lu, limit=%Lu <3>generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device %s (%Lu) <3>bio too big device %s (%u > %u) &q->sysfs_lock<3>%s: over max size limit. <3>%s: over max segments limit. <7>%s(%d): %s block %Lu on %s (%u sectors) <3>%s: bad return=%d kblockdFailed to create kblockd blkdev_requestsblkdev_queue<3>%s: request %p for device [%s] already tagged %d<3>%s: tag %d is missing <3>%s: attempt to clear non-busy tag (%d) <3>%s: adjusted depth to %d block/blk-sysfs.cnr_requestsmax_hw_sectors_kbmax_sectors_kbmax_segmentsmax_integrity_segmentsmax_segment_sizeschedulerhw_sector_sizelogical_block_sizephysical_block_sizeminimum_io_sizeoptimal_io_sizediscard_granularitydiscard_max_bytesdiscard_zeroes_datarotationalnomergesrq_affinityiostatsadd_random<6>%s: set to minimum %lx <6>%s: set to minimum %d <5>%s: Warning: Device %s is misaligned blkdev_iocblock/blk-exec.cblock/blk-merge.c<3>block: bad eh return: %d block/genhd.cmajor minor #blocks name diskstatspartitionsDISK_MEDIA_CHANGE=1DISK_EJECT_REQUEST=1media_changeeject_requestregister_blkdev: cannot get major %d for %s register_blkdev: failed to get major for %s blkext%4d %7d %s %lu %lu %lu %u %lu %lu %lu %u %u %u %u DISK_RO=1block-major-%d-%dblock-major-%d%4d %7d %10llu %s <4>%s: failed to initialize events <4>%s: failed to create sysfs files for events &ev->block_mutex%pU%02x%02x%-9s%03x:%05x%s%s %10llu %s %s driver: %s (driver?) events_asyncevents_poll_msecsext_rangeremovable<4>%s: sending ioctl %x to a partition! <4>program %s is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO bsg_cmd<3>bsg: failed creating slab cache bsg<6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major %d) bsg/%s<3>bsg: too many bsg devices __bug_table<4>WARNING: at %s:%u <4>WARNING: at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] <0>------------[ cut here ]------------ <2>kernel BUG at %s:%u! <2>Kernel BUG at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] gzipbzip2Out of memory while allocating output bufferOut of memory while allocating input bufferOut of memory while allocating z_streamOut of memory while allocating workspaceNot a gzip fileheader errorwrite erroruncompression errorlib/idr.c<4>idr_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. <4>ida_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. idr_layer_cachelib/ioremap.cinvalid kobject pointer!must have a ktype to be initialized properly! <3>kobject (%p): tried to init an initialized object, something is seriously wrong. <3>kobject (%p): %s lib/kobject.c<4>kobject: '%s' (%p): is not initialized, yet kobject_put() is being called. kobject: (%p): attempted to be registered with empty name! <3>%s failed for %s with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. <3>%s failed for %s (%d) DEVPATH_OLD=%s<3>kobject: can not set name properly! <3>kobject '%s' (%p): tried to add an uninitialized object, something is seriously wrong. <4>%s: kobject_add error: %d <3>kobject_uevent: unable to create netlink socket! lib/kobject_uevent.c<3>add_uevent_var: too many keys <3>add_uevent_var: buffer size too small ACTION=%sDEVPATH=%sSUBSYSTEM=%sSEQNUM=%llu%s@%sonlineofflinelib/kref.clib/plist.clib/prio_tree.c&pd->mutexlib/radix-tree.cradix_tree_node<4>%s: %d callbacks suppressed lib/string.clib/timerqueue.c(null)io mem irq dma bus ??? 64bit pref window flags pK-errorlib/vsprintf.c%s%16.16llx%s%8.8x%s%4.4x%s%s%p: %s %s%s%.8x: %s %s%s%s %s%0*lxlib/scatterlist.c.%03lld%lld%s %skBGBTBPBEBZBYBKiBMiBGiBTiBPiBEiBZiBYiB<7>list passed to list_sort() too long for efficiency lib/devres.cinvalid distance too far backinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length codeincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setincorrect data check<4>netlink: %d bytes leftover after parsing attributes. lib/bitmap.clib/zlib_deflate/deflate.clib/nlattr.cno-busin ? lo%sGPIOs %d-%d, %s/%s, can sleep gpio-%-3d (%-20.20s) %s %sgpiochip%ddrivers/gpio/gpiolib.cautorequest GPIO-%d [auto]<3>GPIO-%d: module can't be gotten generic<3>gpiochip_add: gpios %d..%d (%s) failed to register gpiolibgpio%udirectionedgefallingrisingbothunexportactive_lowlabelngpio<3>gpiodev: trying to access unknown minor device -> %d GPIODEV<6>gpiodev: Error platform_device_add() <6>gpiodev: Error registering platfom driver! gpiodev<3>gpiodev: Error whilst opening %s <6>gpiodev: gpio device registered with major %d dummy device%s%d%c<4>Warning: dev (%s) tty->count(%d) != #fd's(%d) in %s <3>Attempt to register invalid tty line number (%d). %s%c%x<7>tty not NULL!! drivers/tty/tty_io.c<4>tty_check_change: tty->pgrp == NULL! NULL tty<4>null TTY for (%d:%d) in %s <4>bad magic number for tty struct (%d:%d) in %s tty_fasynctty_polltty_readtty_hanguptty_write<3>tty driver %s lacks a write_room method. <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): task_session(p)==tty->session <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): fd#%d opened to the tty &tty->termios_mutex&tty->ldisc_mutex&tty->atomic_read_lock&tty->atomic_write_lock&tty->output_lock&tty->echo_lock<6>tty_init_dev: ldisc open failed, clearing slot %d tty_release_dev<7>tty_release_dev: bad idx when trying to free (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: driver.table[%d] not tty for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: driver.termios[%d] not termios for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: other->table[%d] not o_tty for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: other->termios[%d] not o_termios for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: bad pty pointers <4>tty_release_dev: %s: read/write wait queue active! <4>tty_release_dev: bad pty slave count (%d) for %s <4>tty_release_dev: bad tty->count (%d) for %s tty_opentty_ioctlCouldn't register /dev/tty driver Couldn't register /dev/console driver <4>%s: %d input overrun(s) <3>%s: unknown flag %d <3>n_tty_read: no tty->pgrp! n_tty<4>Warning?!? termios_locked is NULL. <4>Use of setserial/setrocket to set SPD_* flags is deprecated %-10s %2d drivers/tty/tty_ldisc.ctty-ldisc-%dn_tty: getCouldn't open N_TTY ldisc for %s --- error %d.<4>%s: waiting (%s) for %s took too long, but we keep waiting... n_tty: init_ttydrivers/tty/tty_buffer.c<4>tty_port_close_start: tty->count = 1 port count = %d. <4>tty_port_close_start: count = %d &port->mutex&port->buf_mutexdrivers/tty/pty.cCouldn't allocate pty driverCouldn't allocate pty slave driverpty_masterpty_slavettypCouldn't register pty driverCouldn't register pty slave driverCouldn't allocate Unix98 ptm driverCouldn't allocate Unix98 pts driverptmCouldn't register Unix98 ptm driverCouldn't register Unix98 pts driverCouldn't register /dev/ptmx driver drivers/tty/vt/vc_screen.cvcs%uvcsa%uvcsunable to get major %d for vcs devicevcvcsa<4>selection: kmalloc() failed kbd<3>keyboard: k_lowercase was called - impossible BDCA0123456789+-*/ ,.?()#<4>keyboard: keyboard mode must be unicode for braille patterns <4>keyboard: can't emulate rawmode for keycode %d vtconsole<4>Unable to create vt console class; errno = %ld vtcon%i<4>Unable to create device for %s; errno = %ld (M)(S)drivers/tty/vt/vt.ctty%d colourmono<6>Console: %s %s %dx%d<6>Console: switching consoles %d-%d to %s %s %dx%d to %s <4>unblank_screen: tty %d not allocated ?? %c%c%cCouldn't register /dev/tty0 driver tty0Couldn't allocate console driver Couldn't register console driver <3>vt: argh, driver_data is NULL ! <4>con_write: tty %d not allocated [?6c[%d;%dR<1>Removing wrong port: %p != %p I/O 0x%lxI/O 0x%lx offset 0x%xMMIO 0x%llx*unknown*<6>%s%s%s%d at %s (irq = %d) is a %s <3>Cannot register tty device on line %d mmio:0xport:serinfo:1.0 driver%s%s revision:%s %d: uart:%s %s%08llX irq:%d tx:%d rx:%d fe:%d pe:%d brk:%d oe:%d|RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD|RI<5>%s sets custom speed on %s. This is deprecated. drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c<3>%s%s%s%d: Unable to drain transmitter <3>uart_close: bad serial port count; tty->count is 1, port->count is %d <3>uart_close: bad serial port count for %s: %d ATMEL_SERIALatmel_serialatmel_serial: atmel_startup - Can't get irq <3>atmel_serial: unknown pm %d unable to get major %d for memory devs char/memkmemnullurandomnonblocking%3i %s miscunable to get major %d for misc devices drivers/char/misc.chw_randomhwrngrng_currentrng_availablevirtualdrivers/base/core.c<3>Device '%s' does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. subsystem&dev->mutexdev_attr_show: %s returned bad count %s(NULL device *): %pV%s%s %s: %pVuevent: unknown action-string <1>MAJOR=%uMINOR=%uDEVNAME=%sDEVMODE=%#oDEVTYPE=%sDRIVER=%sdrivers/base/sys.c<4>sysdev: invalid class passed to %s! <4>sysdev: class %s: driver (%p) has already been registered to a class, something is wrong, but will forge on! <3>%s: invalid device class &(&priv->bus_notifier)->rwsemdrivers/base/bus.c<3>%s: uevent attr (%s) failed <3>%s: driver_add_attrs(%s) failed <3>%s: add_bind_files(%s) failed unbinddrivers_probedrivers_autoprobe<4>%s: device %s already bound drivers/base/dd.c<3>%s: driver_sysfs_add(%s) failed <4>%s: probe of %s failed with error %d drivers/base/syscore.cInterrupts enabled before system core resume. <6>PM: Calling %pF Interrupts enabled after %pF Interrupts enabled before system core suspend. <3>PM: System core suspend callback %pF failed. <4>Driver '%s' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <3>Error: Driver '%s' is already registered, aborting... drivers/base/driver.cUnexpected driver unregister! struct class mutexdrivers/base/class.c%s called for class '%s' before it was initializedclassplatform:%s MODALIAS=%s%splatform:%s.%d<3>%s: failed to claim resource %d <4>%s: unable to parse %s parameter <4>%s: unable to probe %s early. platformmodaliaspossiblekernel_maxfirmwaredrivers/base/devres.cfailed to allocate class container wakeupwakeup_active_countwakeup_hit_countwakeup_activewakeup_total_time_mswakeup_max_time_mswakeup_last_time_msdrivers/base/power/qos.c%s() called for unknown object %s() called for already added request &(n)->rwsemquiescehibernatethawrestorerecover(unknown PM event)<3>PM: Device %s failed to %s%s: error %d <6>calling %s+ @ %i <6>call %s+ returned %d after %Ld usecs <6>PM: %s%s%s of devices complete after %ld.%03ld msecs <3>%s(): %pF returns %d async<6>calling %s+ @ %i, parent: %s initcall %s_i+ returned %d after %Ld usecs early lateparent %s should not be sleeping <6>PM: Device %s not prepared for power transition: code %d wakeup_sourcesname active_count event_count hit_count active_since total_time max_time last_change %-12s %lu %lu %lu %lld %lld %lld %lld drivers/base/power/wakeup.cRuntime PM disabled, clock forced on. Runtime PM disabled, clock forced off. Not enough memory for clock entry. Not enough memory for clock connection ID. drivers/base/dma-mapping.c%s:%sram%dramdisk<6>brd: module loaded <3>loop: Write error at byte offset %llu, length %i. <3>loop: Transfer error at byte offset %llu, length %i. <3>loop: Failed to allocate temporary page for write. <3>loop: transfer error block %ld loop%d&lo->lo_ctl_mutexloop<6>loop: module loaded loop-controlbacking_filesizelimitautoclearpartscandev: size erasesize name mtd%d: %8.8llx %8.8x "%s" mtd-unmapmtd-romapmtd-rwmap<3>Error registering mtd class or bdi: %d <4>%s: unlock failed, writes may not work mtd%dro<5>Removing MTD device #%d (%s) with use count %d absenterasesizewritesizesubpagesizeoobsizenumeraseregions<5>MTD: MTD device with name "%s" not found. <5>MTD: Attempt to mount non-MTD device "%s" <5>Concatenating MTD devices: <5>(%d): "%s" <5>into device "%s" memory allocation error while creating concatenated device "%s" Incompatible device type on "%s" Incompatible device flags on "%s" Incompatible OOB or ECC data on "%s" memory allocation error while creating erase region list for device "%s" <3>memory allocation error while creating partitions for "%s" <5>Moving partition %d: 0x%012llx -> 0x%012llx <3>mtd partition "%s" doesn't have enough space: %#llx < %#llx, disabled <5>0x%012llx-0x%012llx : "%s" <3>mtd: partition "%s" is out of reach -- disabled <4>mtd: partition "%s" extends beyond the end of device "%s" -- size truncated to %#llx <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't end on an erase block -- force read-only <5>Creating %d MTD partitions on "%s": <5>%d %s partitions found on MTD device %s cmdlinepartofpart<3>mtd: partition size too small (%lx) <3>mtd: no closing %c found in partition name <3>mtd: no partitions allowed after a fill-up partition Partition_%03d<3>mtd: no mtd-id <3>mtd: bad character after partition (%c) <4>mtd: %s: partitioning exceeds flash size, truncating mtd_inode:<5>Can't allocate major number %d for Memory Technology Devices. <5>Can't register mtd_inodefs filesystem: %d <5>Error mounting mtd_inodefs filesystem: %d mtd_inodefs<4>Unable to register %s block device on major %d: %d &new->lock%s%c%cdrivers/mtd/mtd_blkdevs.c<4>mtdblock: erase of region [0x%lx, 0x%x] on "%s" failed &mtdblk->cache_mutexmtdblock (OTP)&priv->lockspi%d.%d-%s%s (%lld KBytes) pagesize %d bytes%s JEDEC id %06x not handled AT45DB011BAT45DB021BAT45DB041xAT45DB081BAT45DB161xAT45DB321xAT45DB642x<3>%s: erase %x, err %d mtd_dataflashat45db011dat45db021dat45db041dat45db081dat45db161dat45db321dat45db642dnand-disk<4>No oob scheme defined for oobsize %d <4>No ECC functions supplied; hardware ECC not possible <4>%d byte HW ECC not possible on %d byte page size, fallback to SW ECC <4>CONFIG_MTD_ECC_BCH not enabled <4>NAND_ECC_NONE selected by board driver. This is not recommended! <4>Invalid NAND_ECC_MODE %d <4>Invalid ECC parameters <5>%s: attempt to write non page aligned data <6>%s: second ID read did not match %02x,%02x against %02x,%02x <6>ONFI flash detected <6>ONFI param page %d valid <6>%s: unsupported ONFI version: %d <6>NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x%02x, Chip ID: 0x%02x (%s %s) <4>NAND bus width %d instead %d bit <4>No NAND device found <6>%d NAND chips detected <3>%s called for a chip which is not in suspended state <2>%s called with NULL mtd->owner! <4>%s: attempt to erase a bad block at page 0x%08x <6>nand_bbt: ECC error in BBT at 0x%012llx <6>nand_bbt: corrected error in BBT at 0x%012llx <6>nand_bbt: error reading BBT <6>nand_read_bbt: reserved block at 0x%012llx <6>nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x%012llx <3>No space left to write bad block table <6>nand_bbt: error reading block for writing the bad block table <4>nand_bbt: ECC error while reading block for writing bad block table <6>Bad block table written to 0x%012llx, version 0x%02X <4>nand_bbt: error while writing bad block table %d <6>Scanning device for bad blocks <4>create_bbt(): chipnr (%d) > available chips (%d) <4>Bad eraseblock %d at 0x%012llx <4>Bad block table not found for chip %d <6>Bad block table found at page %d, version 0x%02X <3>nand_bbt: can't scan flash and build the RAM-based BBT <6>Bad block table at page %d, version 0x%02X <3>uncorrectable error : ToshibaSamsungFujitsuNationalRenesasST MicroHynixMicronAMDNAND 16MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 16MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 32MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 32MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 32MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 32MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 64MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 64MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 64MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 128MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 128MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 128MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 256MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 256MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 256MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 512MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 512MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 512MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 1GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 1GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 1GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 2GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 2GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 2GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 4GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 4GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 4GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 4GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 8GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 8GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 8GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 8GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 16GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 16GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 16GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 32GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 32GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 32GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 32GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 64GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 64GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 64GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 64GiB 3,3V 16-bit<3>atmel_nand: can't get I/O resource mem <3>atmel_nand: failed to allocate device structure. <3>atmel_nand: ioremap failed <6>No SmartMedia card inserted. <6>atmel_nand: Use On Flash BBT No DMA support for NAND access. Failed to dma_map_single Failed to prepare DMA memcpy Failed to do DMA tx_submit Fall back to CPU I/O spi:setup: unsupported mode bits %x cannot alloc spi_device cs%d >= max %d %s.%uchipselect %d already in use can't setup %s, status %d can't add %s, status %d drivers/spi/spi.ccan't create new device for %s &master->bus_lock_mutexspi%uspi_masterAtmel SPI Controller at 0x%08lx (irq %d) overrun (%u/%u remaining) timeout waiting for TXEMPTYlink up, %uMbps, %s-duplex, lpa 0x%04X ethloopback: Failed to register netdevice: %d UpDownFullHalf<6>PHY: %s - Link is %s - %d/%sphy_interrupt<4>%s: Can't get IRQ %d (PHY) FULLHALF<6>Trying %d/%s <3>%s: Error %d in registering driver %s:%02x&dev->lockmdio:%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%dMATCH ANY PHY<3>phy %d failed to register PHY already attached <3>PHY %s not found Generic PHY<3>mii_bus %s failed to register &bus->mdio_lock<6>%s: probed mdio_bus<6>%s: link up (%d/%s) <6>%s: link down $Revision: 1.14 $drivers/net/ethernet/cadence/macb.cinclude/linux/netdevice.h<6>netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake! <3>%s: Unable to allocate DMA memory (error %d) no mmio resource defined etherdev alloc failed, aborting. failed to get macb_clk failed to map registers, aborting. <3>%s: Unable to request IRQ %d (error %d) Cannot register net device, aborting. MACB_mii_bus<3>%s: no PHY found <3>%s: Could not attach to PHY <6>%s: Atmel MACB at 0x%08lx irq %d (%pM) <6>%s: attached PHY driver [%s] (mii_bus:phy_addr=%s, irq=%d) invalid hw address, using random underrunretry limit exceeded<3>%s: TX %s, resetting buffers <3>%s: DMA bus error: HRESP not OK 2.4.2<6>PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 <3>failed to register PPP pernet device (%d) <3>failed to register PPP device (%d) <3>PPP: removing module but units remain! &pch->chan_semPPP: outbound frame not passed PPP: no memory (VJ comp pkt) ppp: compression required but down - pkt dropped. PPP: no memory (comp pkt) ppp: compressor dropped pkt ppp_decompress_frame: no memory PPP: no memory (VJ decomp) PPP: VJ decompression error PPP: VJ uncompressed error PPP: inbound frame not passed <3>ppp: destroying undead channel %p ! ppp: destroying ppp struct %p but dead=%d n_channels=%d ! <3>PPP: No free memory for idr ppp%dPPP: couldn't register device %s (%d) <4>PPPIOCDETACH file->f_count=%ld <3>PPP: not interface or channel?? ppp-compress-%dPPP: no memory (VJ compressor) &pn->all_ppp_mutex<3>PPP_async: error %d registering line disc. <3>PPPasync: no memory (input pkt) <3>failed to unregister PPP line discipline bsd_decomp%d: bad sequence # %d, expected %d bsd_decomp%d: bad CLEAR bsd_decomp%d: bad code 0x%x oldcode=0x%x max_ent=0x%x explen=%d seqno=%d bsd_decomp%d: ran out of mru bsd_decomp%d: peer should have cleared dictionary on %d <6>PPP BSD Compression module registered <6>PPP Deflate Compression module registered <3>z_compress: deflate returned %d <7>z_incomp%d: inflateIncomp returned %d (%s) <7>z_decompress%d: short pkt (%d) <7>z_decompress%d: bad seq # %d, expected %d <7>z_decompress%d: inflate returned %d (%s) <7>z_decompress%d: ran out of mru <7>z_decompress%d: didn't get proto <3>%s: bogus descriptor, type %d length %d <6>%s: USB support disabled usbusbcorebus/usb/%03d/%03dBUSNUM=%03dDEVNUM=%03d<7>Did not find alt setting %u for intf %u, config %u usb_deviceroot hub lost power or was reset %s failed (err = %d) clear tt %d (%04x) error %d can't save CLEAR_TT_BUFFER state resubmit --> %d can't read configurations, error %d n/a (unauthorized)warm only USB3 hub support warm reset cannot %sreset port %d (err = %d) Cannot reset HCD device state Cannot enable port %i. Maybe the USB cable is bad? cannot disable port %d (err = %d) variable speed Wirelessnew%s %s USB device number %d using %s parent hub has no TT device descriptor read/64, error %d device not accepting address %d, error %d %s SuperSpeed USB device number %d using %s device descriptor read/8, error %d Invalid ep0 maxpacket: %d Using ep0 maxpacket: %d device descriptor read/all, error %d no mem to re-read configs after reset device firmware changed Busted HC? Not enough HCD resources for old configuration. can't restore configuration #%d (error=%d) failed to restore interface %d altsetting %d (error=%d) Host not accepting hub info update. LS/FS devices and hubs may not work under this hub .activate --> %d USB disconnect, device number %d port %d nyet suspended out of memorycan't set hub depthcan't read hub descriptorhub has too many ports!can't get hub statuscan't update HCD hub infoUnsupported bus topology: hub nested too deep bad descriptor, ignoring hub USB hub found &hub->status_mutex%d port%s detected Using single TT (err %d) insufficient power available to use all downstream ports config failed, %s (err %d) can't device_add, error %d port %i disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling... over-current condition on port %d config error on port %d connect-debounce failed, port %d disabled couldn't allocate port %d usb_device can't connect bus-powered hub to this port not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub %dmA is over %umA budget for port %d! %dmA over power budget! unable to enumerate USB device on port %d get_hub_status failed over-current condition can't re-read device descriptor for authorization: %d can't set config #%d, error %d authorized to connect <3>%s: can't register hub driver khubd<3>%s: can't start khubd hubUSB Host Controllerhcd->bandwidth_mutexHC died; cleaning up %s %s %sUSB bus %d deregistered remove, state %x drivers/usb/core/hcd.cio memio base<3>%s: too many buses new USB bus registered, assigned bus number %d unable to allocate root hub can't setup %s:usb%drequest interrupt %d failed irq %d, %s 0x%08llx startup error %d can't register root hub for %s, %d <3>Cannot register USB bus sysfs attributes: %d Unlink after no-IRQ? Controller is probably using the wrong IRQ. authorized_default<3>alloc_urb: kmalloc failed INTERFACE=%d/%d/%dMODALIAS=usb:v%04Xp%04Xd%04Xdc%02Xdsc%02Xdp%02Xic%02Xisc%02Xip%02X%s, unlink --> %d dev %s ep%d%s scatterlist error %d/%d string descriptor 0 malformed (err = %d), defaulting to 0x%04x string descriptor 0 read error: %d selecting invalid altsetting %d Not enough bandwidth for altsetting %d config 0 descriptor?? Out of memory new config #%d exceeds power limit by %dmA Interface #%d referenced by multiple IADs %d-%s:%d.%ddevice_add(%s) --> %d usb_interfacePRODUCT=%x/%x/%xTYPE=%d/%d/%d<6>%s: deregistering device driver %s %x %x<6>%s: deregistering interface driver %s <6>%s: registered new device driver %s <3>%s: error %d registering device driver %s <6>%s: registered new interface driver %s <3>%s: error %d registering interface driver %s reset_resumeno %s for driver %s? Device is not authorized for usage rebind failed: %d new_idremove_idControlBulkIsocInttoo many configurations: %d, using maximum allowed: %d no configurations unable to read config index %d descriptor/%s: %d chopping to %d config(s) config index %d descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) unable to read config index %d descriptor/%s invalid descriptor for config index %d: type = 0x%X, length = %d config %d has too many interfaces: %d, using maximum allowed: %d config %d descriptor has %d excess byte%s, ignoring config %d has an invalid descriptor of length %d, skipping remainder of the config config %d has an invalid interface descriptor of length %d, skipping config %d has more interface descriptors, than it declares in bNumInterfaces, ignoring interface number: %d config %d has an invalid interface number: %d but max is %d found more Interface Association Descriptors than allocated for in configuration %d config %d contains an unexpected descriptor of type 0x%X, skipping config %d has %d interface%s, different from the descriptor's value: %d config %d has no interfaces? config %d has no interface number %d too many alternate settings for config %d interface %d: %d, using maximum allowed: %d Duplicate descriptor for config %d interface %d altsetting %d, skipping too many endpoints for config %d interface %d altsetting %d: %d, using maximum allowed: %d config %d interface %d altsetting %d has an invalid endpoint descriptor of length %d, skipping config %d interface %d altsetting %d has an invalid endpoint with address 0x%X, skipping config %d interface %d altsetting %d endpoint 0x%X has an invalid bInterval %d, changing to %d config %d interface %d altsetting %d endpoint 0x%X is Bulk; changing to Interrupt config %d interface %d altsetting %d bulk endpoint 0x%X has invalid maxpacket %d No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: using minimum values Control endpoint with bMaxBurst = %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to zero Endpoint with bMaxBurst = %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to 15 %s endpoint with bmAttributes = %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to zero Bulk endpoint with more than 65536 streams in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to max Isoc endpoint has Mult of %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to 3 %s endpoint with wBytesPerInterval of %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to %d config %d interface %d altsetting %d has %d endpoint descriptor%s, different from the interface descriptor's value: %d config %d interface %d has no altsetting %d out of memory unable to get BOS descriptor unable to get BOS descriptor set descriptor type invalid, skip <3>class_create failed for usb devices <3>Unable to get major %d for usb devices buffer-%dusb:v%04Xp%04Xd%04Xdc%02Xdsc%02Xdp%02Xic%02Xisc%02Xip%02X %2x.%02x %3dmA %2x persistmanufacturerproduct1.54805000bInterfaceNumberbAlternateSettingbNumEndpointsbInterfaceClassbInterfaceSubClassbInterfaceProtocolsupports_autosuspendiad_bFirstInterfaceiad_bInterfaceCountiad_bFunctionClassiad_bFunctionSubClassiad_bFunctionProtocolconfigurationbNumInterfacesbConfigurationValuebmAttributesbMaxPowerurbnumidVendoridProductbcdDevicebDeviceClassbDeviceSubClassbDeviceProtocolbNumConfigurationsbMaxPacketSize0busnumdevnumdevpathmaxchildquirksavoid_reset_quirkauthorized%d%cs ep_%02xusb_endpointInterruptbLengthbEndpointAddressbIntervalwMaxPacketSizeopened by process %d: %s interface number %u out of range usbfs: process %d (%s) did not claim interface %u before use userurb %p, ep%d %s-%s, length %u userurb %p, ep%d %s-%s, actual_length %u status %d ep%d %s-%s, length %u, timeout %d ep%d %s-%s, actual_length %u, status %d data: %s: CONTROL control urb: bRequestType=%02x bRequest=%02x wValue=%04x wIndex=%04x wLength=%04x usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd %s rqt %u rq %u len %u ret %d %s: BULK include/linux/usb.h%s: RESETEP %s: RESET %s: CLEAR_HALT %s: GETDRIVER %s: CONNECTINFO %s: SETINTERFACE %s: SETCONFIGURATION usbfs: interface %d claimed by %s while '%s' sets config #%d %s: SUBMITURB usbfs: usb_submit_urb returned %d %s: DISCARDURB %s: REAPURB %s: REAPURBNDELAY %s: DISCSIGNAL %s: CLAIMINTERFACE %s: RELEASEINTERFACE %s: IOCTL %s: CLAIM_PORT port %d claimed by process %d: %s %s: RELEASE_PORT urb complete <3>Unable to register minors for usb_device <3>Unable to get usb_device major %d usbfsisocctrlbulkrejected %d configuration%s due to insufficient available bus power no configuration chosen from %d choice%s (none)CtrlInt.(null Cfg. desc.) (truncated) >ifcaudiocomm.HIDstillprintstor.c-secvideowlconapp.vend.unk.USB HC takeover failed! (BIOS/SMM bug) ohci_tdohci_eddrivers/usb/host/ohci-q.cUSB HC reset timed out! init err (%08x %04x) <3>ohci_hcd: can't start %s <6>%s: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver bad entry %8x can't restart, %d controller won't resume (has tds)ED unlink timeout leak ed %p (#%02x) state %d%s OHCI Unrecoverable Error, disabled bogus NDP, rereads as NDP=%d overcurrent interrupt from unknown GPIO ohci_vbusohci_overcurrentcannot get GPIO IRQ for overcurrent AT91 OHCIlow-speedfull-speedwirelesssuper-speed<3>serio: Failed to register serio bus, error: %d device_attach() failed for %s (%s), error: %d <3>serio: Not enough memory to queue event %d <4>serio: Can't get module reference, dropping event %d manualserio:ty%02Xpr%02Xid%02Xex%02X &serio->drv_mutexserio%ldreconnectrescandevice_bind_driver() failed for %s (%s) and %s, error: %d device_add() failed for %s (%s), error: %d <4>serio: driver_attach() failed for %s with error %d SERIO_TYPE=%02xSERIO_PROTO=%02xSERIO_ID=%02xSERIO_EXTRA=%02xMODALIAS=serio:ty%02Xpr%02Xid%02Xex%02X<3>serio: driver_register() failed for %s, error: %d seriodescriptiondrvctlbind_modeprotoextraSerial port%s/serio0<6>serio: Serial port %s <3>serport.c: Error registering line discipline. &ps2dev->cmd_mutexdrivers/input/serio/libps2.c<3>input: failed to attach handler %s to device %s, error: %d handlersbus/inputN: Number=%u Name=%s (filter) Minor=%dB: %s=I: Bus=%04x Vendor=%04x Product=%04x Version=%04x N: Name="%s" P: Phys=%s S: Sysfs=%s U: Uniq=%s H: Handlers=PROPKEYRELABSMSCLEDSNDSW%X,input:b%04Xv%04Xp%04Xe%04X-input/%sdrivers/input/input.cUnspecified deviceN/Ainput%ld<6>input: %s as %s <3>input: input_set_capability: unknown type %u (code %u) PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x/%xNAME="%s"PHYS="%s"UNIQ="%s"PROP=EV=KEY=REL=ABS=MSC=LED=SND=FF=SW=MODALIAS=<3>input: unable to register input_dev class <3>input: unable to register char major %d%s(): kcalloc() failed? capabilitiesphysuniqpropertiesbustypevendorkeyrelabsmscsndsw<3>ff_core: cannot allocate device without any effects &ff->mutexrtc0<3>%s: unable to open rtc device (%s) drivers/rtc/hctosys.chctosys: unable to read the hardware clock hctosys: invalid date/time setting system clock to %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC (%u) &rtc->ops_lockrtc%drtc core: registered %s as %s rtc core: unable to register %s, err = %d <3>%s: couldn't create class drivers/rtc/class.c<7>%s: bogus resume time <7>%s: time travel! alarm rollover: %s alarm rollover not handled <7>%s: too many RTC devices <4>%s: failed to add char device %d:%d <7>%s: dev (%d:%d) <3>%s: failed to allocate char dev region drivers/rtc/rtc-dev.crtc_time : %02d:%02d:%02d rtc_date : %04d-%02d-%02d alrm_time : %02d:**:** alrm_date : %04d-****-%02d-alarm_IRQ : %s alrm_pending : %s update IRQ enabled : %s periodic IRQ enabled : %s periodic IRQ frequency : %d max user IRQ frequency : %d 24hr : yes driver/rtcfailed to create alarm attribute, %d wakealarmsince_epochmax_user_freqhctosysalarm_irq_enable: enabled=%08x, mr %08x update_IRQ : %s %s: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d settimereadalarmreadtimebusy, can't use as RTC! can't attach RTC! can't share IRQ %d? %s: SET TIME! RTC probe err %d! <7>%s: num=%ld, events=0x%02lx setalarmrtc-at91sam9<7>%s: resume, ctrl %02x , alarm may wake<7>%s: suspend%s, ctrl %02x okaydeadperiodic_IRQ : %s update_IRQ : %s HPET_emulated : %s BCD : %s DST_enable : %s periodic_freq : %d batt_status : %s no alarmsalarms up to one dayalarms up to one yearalarms up to one month, y3ki/o registers already in use only 24-hr supported IRQ %d is already in use can't create nvram file? %d <6>%s: %s%s, %zd bytes nvram%s nvrami2c:%hi%c%s: Can't parse I2C address delete_device%s: Extra parameters %s: Deleting device %s at 0x%02hx %s: Can't find device in list %s: detach_adapter method is deprecated detach_adapter failed (%d) for driver [%s] Invalid %d-bit I2C address 0x%02hx %d-%04xFailed to register i2c client %s at 0x%02x (%d) %s: Missing parameters new_device%s: Invalid device name %s: Instantiated device %s at 0x%02hx Invalid 7-bit address 0x%02x drivers/i2c/i2c-core.c<3>i2c-core: Attempt to register an adapter with no name! <3>i2c-core: Attempt to register adapter '%s' with no algo! &adap->userspace_clients_locki2c-%dCan't create device at 0x%02x Invalid block write size %d Unsupported transaction %d No suitable probing method supported Invalid probe address 0x%02x %s detection function provided no name for 0x%x Failed creating %s at 0x%02x %s: attach_adapter method is deprecated Please use another way to instantiate your i2c_client <4>i2c-core: driver [%s] using legacy suspend method <4>i2c-core: driver [%s] using legacy resume method i2c-dev %d<6>i2c /dev entries driver i2c-dev<3>%s: Driver Initialisation failed drivers/i2c/i2c-dev.c<3>i2c-dev: Out of device minors (%d) readbytes: ack/nak timeout died at extended address code died at 2nd address code died at repeated address code readbytes: invalid block length (%d) sendbytes: NAK bailout. sendbytes: error %d <6>%s: Testing SDA only, SCL is not readable <4>%s: bus seems to be busy (scl=%d, sda=%d) <4>%s: SDA stuck high! <4>%s: SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA low! <4>%s: SDA stuck low! <4>%s: SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA high! <4>%s: SCL stuck high! <4>%s: SDA unexpected low while pulling SCL low! <4>%s: SCL stuck low! <4>%s: SDA unexpected low while pulling SCL high! <6>%s: Test OK Not I2C compliant: can't read SCL Bus may be unreliable <3>i2c-at91: AT91SAM9G20 clock rate too low, ckdiv=%u, set to 7 <3>i2c-at91: AT91 clock rate too low, ckdiv=%u, set to 7 no clock defined can't allocate inteface! AT91Adapter %s registration failed Atmel TWI (I2C) master [SCL %d Hz], version: %s 2.1i2c_at91<3>i2c-gpio: probe failed: %d , no clock stretchingsdascli2c-gpio%dusing pins %u (SDA) and %u (SCL%s) W1_FID=%02XW1_SLAVE_ID=%024LX<6>Driver for 1-wire Dallas network protocol. <3>Failed to register bus. err=%d. <3>Failed to register master driver. err=%d. write device id xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx to remove slave write device id xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx to add slave %s: failed to allocate new slave device. Family %x for %02x.%012llx.%02x is not registered. %02x-%012llxDevice registration [%s] failed. err=%d sysfs file creation for [%s] failed. err=%d %s: Attaching %s failed. 0x%p bad slave string format, expecting ff-dddddddddddd Device %s already exists Device %02x-%012llx doesn't exists w1 bus masterw1_master_driverw1w1_slave_driverw1_master_namew1_master_slavesw1_master_slave_countw1_master_max_slave_countw1_master_attemptsw1_master_timeoutw1_master_pointerw1_master_searchw1_master_pullupw1_master_addw1_master_remove<3>w1_add_master_device: invalid function set <3>w1_add_master_device: set_pullup requires write_byte or touch_bit, disabling <3>Failed to allocate %zd bytes for new w1 device. w1_bus_master%u<3>Failed to register master device. err=%d Failed to create new kernel thread. err=%d Waiting for %s to become free: refcnt=%d. <3>Device doesn't exist. <6>Waiting for family %u to become free: refcnt=%d. %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x : crc=%02x %s YESstatus=%X %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x t=%d.%d thermpio_valuescratchpad<3>watchdog: error unregistering /dev/watchdog (err=%d). <6>watchdog: Invalid min and max timeout values, resetting to 0! <3>watchdog: error registering /dev/watchdog (err=%d). <6>watchdog: %s: nowayout prevents watchdog to be stopped! <2>watchdog: %s: watchdog did not stop! <3>watchdog: only one watchdog can use /dev/watchdog. <3>watchdog: %s: cannot register miscdev on minor=%d (err=%d). <3>watchdog: %s: watchdog was not registered as /dev/watchdog. watchdog<3>AT91SAM9 Watchdog: sorry, watchdog is disabled <6>AT91SAM9 Watchdog enabled (heartbeat=%d sec, nowayout=%d) <2>AT91SAM9 Watchdog: I will reset your machine ! drivers/cpuidle/driver.cinvalid cpuidle_unregister_driver(%s) <6>cpuidle: using governor %s state%dcpuidleavailable_governorscurrent_drivercurrent_governorcurrent_governor_rousagekmmcd<3>Device failed to respond within %d poweroff time. Forcefully powering down the device <3>%s: cache %s error %d drivers/mmc/core/core.c<3>mmc_erase: group start error %d, status %#x <3>mmc_erase: group end error %d, status %#x <3>mmc_erase: erase error %d, status %#x <3>error %d requesting status %#x <3>%s: cache flush error %d <6>%s: HPI enable bit unset <3>%s: Get card status fail <4>%s: host doesn't support card's voltages <4>%s: error %d during resume (card was removed?) MMC SD SDIO SDcombo MMC_TYPE=%sMMC_NAME=%sMODALIAS=mmc:blockMMCSDXCSDIOSDHC-comboSDHCSD-comboDDR ultra high speed %s:%04x<6>%s: new %s%s%s card on SPI <6>%s: new %s%s%s card at address %04x <6>%s: SPI card removed <6>%s: card %04x removed mmcSDcombommc%ddrivers/mmc/core/host.cmmc_host<4>%s: Voltage range not supported for power class. 0x%06x %02d/%04d %08x%08x%08x%08x <3>%s: could not allocate a buffer to receive the ext_csd. <3>%s: unable to read EXT_CSD on a possible high capacity card. Card will be ignored. <4>%s: unable to read EXT_CSD, performance might suffer. drivers/mmc/core/mmc.c<3>%s: unrecognised CSD structure version %d <3>%s: card has unknown MMCA version %d <3>%s: unrecognised EXT_CSD structure version %d <3>%s: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision %d <4>%s: card is mmc v4 but doesn't support any high-speed modes. boot%dgp%d<4>%s: switch to highspeed failed <4>%s: Enabling HPI failed <3>%s: power class selection to bus width %d failed <3>%s: power class selection to bus width %d ddr %d failed <4>%s: switch to bus width %d ddr %d failed <4>%s: card claims to support voltages below the defined range. These will be ignored. <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising MMC card cidpreferred_erase_sizefwrevhwrevmanfidoemidenhanced_area_offsetenhanced_area_size<3>%s: Invalid bus_width %d <4>%s: unexpected status %#x after switch<4>%s: error %d interrupting operation. HPI command response %#x <3>%s: could not allocate a buffer for switch capabilities. <4>%s: Problem switching card into high-speed mode! <3>%s: unrecognised SCR structure version %d <4>%s: card lacks mandatory SD Status function. <4>%s: problem reading SD Status register. <4>%s: card lacks mandatory switch function, performance might suffer. <4>%s: problem reading switch capabilities, performance might suffer. <4>%s: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable. drivers/mmc/core/sd.c<4>%s: SD card claims to support the incompletely defined 'low voltage range'. This will be ignored. <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising SD card scrdrivers/mmc/core/sdio.c<3>%s: unrecognised CCCR structure version %d <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising SDIO card drivers/mmc/core/sdio_ops.csdio:c%02Xv%04Xd%04X <4>WARNING: driver %s did not remove its interrupt handler! SDIO_CLASS=%02XSDIO_ID=%04X:%04XMODALIAS=sdio:c%02Xv%04Xd%04X%s:%dsdio<3>%s: bad %s tuple 0x%02x (%u bytes) CISTPL_FUNCECIS<4>%s: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x%02x (%u bytes) <4>%s: pending IRQ for non-existent function <4>%s: pending IRQ with no handler drivers/mmc/core/sdio_irq.cksdioirqd/%sclock: %u Hz vdd: %u (1.65 - 1.95 V) (%s ~ %s V) (invalid) bus mode: %u (%s) chip select: %u (%s) power mode: %u (%s) bus width: %u (%u bits) timing spec: %u (%s) iosclockfailed to initialize debugfs ext_csd2. drainpush-pulldon't careactive highactive lowlegacymmc high-speedsd high-speedsd uhs SDR50sd uhs SDR104sd uhs DDR50<6>mmcblk: using %d minors per device <3>%s: unable to set block size to 512: %d mmcblk%d%s<3>%s BUG rq_tot %d d_xfer %d <4>%s: retrying using single block read %s: cmd error %d %s: data error %d force_ro<3>%s: %s sending %s command, card status %#x response CRC errortimed out<3>%s: unknown error %d sending read/write command, card status %#x <3>%s: error %d sending status command, %sing <3>%s: error %d sending stop command SET_BLOCK_COUNTr/w cmd<3>%s: error %d sending stop command, original cmd response %#x, card status %#x <3>%s: r/w command failed, status = %#x <3>%s: error %d requesting status <3>%s: error %d transferring data, sector %u, nr %u, cmd response %#x, card status %#x (ro)<6>%s: %s %s %s %s <6>%s: %s %s partition %u %s mmcblkSEM02GSEM04GSEM08GSEM16GSEM32GMMC08GMMC16GMMC32GMMC bad request<4>%s: unable to allocate bounce cur buffer <4>%s: unable to allocate bounce prev buffer mmcqd/%d%sdrivers/mmc/host/at91_mci.cTimeout waiting end of packet 4 wire bus mode not supported - using 1 wire Can't allocate transmit buffer mmc_detectmmc_wpmmc_vccrequest MMC detect irq failed probe failed, err %d &led_cdev->trigger_lock<7>Registered led device: %s max_brightnesstrigger[none] none <4>LED trigger %s failed to register (%d) <4>LED trigger %s failed to register (no memory) <6>Skipping unavailable LED gpio %d (%s) delay_ondelay_offtcb_clksrctc_clkevtdrivers/tty/n_tty.cdrivers/tty/tty_ioctl.c/home/fox/netus/debian/linux-3.2/arch/arm/include/asm/dma-mapping.hdrivers/char/random.cdrivers/base/attribute_container.cdrivers/base/transport_class.cdrivers/block/brd.cdrivers/block/loop.cdrivers/mtd/mtdcore.cdrivers/mtd/mtdconcat.cdrivers/mtd/mtdpart.cdrivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.cdrivers/mtd/nand/nand_bbt.cdrivers/spi/spi-atmel.cdrivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.cdrivers/net/ppp/ppp_generic.cinclude/net/netns/generic.hinclude/linux/skbuff.hdrivers/usb/core/hub.cdrivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.cdrivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.cdrivers/mmc/core/sdio_cis.cdrivers/mmc/core/sdio_io.cdrivers/mmc/core/debugfs.cdrivers/mmc/card/queue.cnet/socket.cnet/core/skbuff.cnet/core/net_namespace.cnet/core/sysctl_net_core.cnet/core/dev.cinclude/linux/if_vlan.hnet/core/ethtool.cnet/core/neighbour.cnet/core/rtnetlink.cnet/core/net-sysfs.cnet/netlink/af_netlink.cnet/netlink/genetlink.cinclude/net/dst.hnet/ipv4/route.cnet/ipv4/inetpeer.cnet/ipv4/ip_output.cinclude/net/timewait_sock.hnet/ipv4/tcp_input.cnet/ipv4/tcp_output.cnet/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.cinclude/net/tcp.hnet/ipv4/tcp_cong.cinclude/net/udp.hnet/ipv4/icmp.cnet/ipv4/devinet.cnet/ipv4/af_inet.cnet/ipv4/fib_semantics.cnet/ipv4/fib_trie.cnet/ipv4/ping.cnet/ipv4/inet_diag.cnet/unix/garbage.cnet/packet/af_packet.csocket:socket:[%lu]bridge8021qdlci<3>sock_release: fasync list not empty! <6>%s uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET) <4>socket: no more sockets net-pf-%dsock_inode_cache<6>NET: Unregistered protocol family %d <2>protocol %d >= NPROTO(%d) <6>NET: Registered protocol family %d <7>sock_close: NULL inode sockets: used %d sockfsprotocols<2>%s: Can't create sock SLAB cache! request_sock_%s<2>%s: Can't create request sock SLAB cache! tw_sock_%s<3>PROTO_INUSE_NR exhausted net/core/sock.c<6>sock_set_timeout: `%s' (pid %d) tries to set negative timeout NI%-9s %-4s %-8s %-6s %-5s %-7s %-4s %-10s %ssocketspressmaxhdrcl co di ac io in de sh ss gs se re sp bi br ha uh gp em %-9s %4u %6d %6ld %-3s %6u %-3s %-10s %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c <7>%s: optmem leakage (%d bytes) detected. <4>process `%s' is using obsolete %s SO_BSDCOMPAT getsockoptsetsockoptnet/core/request_sock.c<4>%s: received packets cannot be forwarded while LRO is enabled <4>bad partial csum: csum=%u/%u len=%u <0>skb_under_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s <0>skb_over_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s skbuff_head_cacheskbuff_fclone_cachenet/core/datagram.cnet/core/stream.c<3>RTNL: assertion failed at %s (%d) net/core/gen_estimator.cCould not allocate generic netnsCould not setup the initial network namespacenetdev_tstamp_prequeueptypesoftnet_statType Device Function ALL %-8s %pF %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %6s: %7llu %7llu %4llu %4llu %4llu %5llu %10llu %9llu %8llu %7llu %4llu %4llu %4llu %5llu %7llu %10llu enteredleft<4>%s: promiscuity touches roof, set promiscuity failed, promiscuity feature of device might be broken. <6>device %s %s promiscuous mode dev%d<0>%s: failed to move %s to init_net: %d <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device with zero queues. <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device. <3>netdev: Unable to allocate %u tx queues. %s: caps=(0x%lx, 0x%lx) len=%d data_len=%d ip_summed=%d <4>Number of in use tx queues changed invalidating tc mappings. Priority traffic classification disabled! <4>Number of in use tx queues changed. Priority %i to tc mapping %i is no longer valid setting map to 0 (unregistered net_device)netdevice: %s failed to disable LRO! <4>dev_remove_pack: %p not found. Inter-| Receive | Transmit face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed %s%s: %pV%s(NULL net_device): %pV<3>%s: hw csum failure. netdev-%s<3>Loading kernel module for a network device with CAP_SYS_MODULE (deprecated). Use CAP_NET_ADMIN and alias netdev-%s instead <3>%s: name change rollback failed: %d. <2>protocol %04x is buggy, dev %s <4>%s selects TX queue %d, but real number of TX queues is %d <2>Virtual device %s asks to queue packet! <2>Dead loop on virtual device %s, fix it urgently! <4>%s: allmulti touches roof, set allmulti failed, allmulti feature of device might be broken. mixed HW and IP checksum settings. mixed no checksumming and other settings. set_features() failed (%d); wanted 0x%08x, left 0x%08x <3>network todo '%s' but state %d <0>unregister_netdevice: waiting for %s to become free. Usage count = %d Legacy feature change (%s) failed for 0x%08x driver BUG: mixed hw_features and set_flags() Legacy flags change failed dev_mcast%-4d %-15s %-5d %-5d net/core/dev_addr_lists.cnet/core/dst.cneigh_parms_release: not found <4>Destroying alive neighbour %p <4>Impossible event. entries allocs destroys hash_grows lookups hits res_failed rcv_probes_mcast rcv_probes_ucast periodic_gc_runs forced_gc_runs unresolved_discards %08x %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx NEIGH: BUG, double timer add, state is %x neigh_resolve_output: dst=%p neigh=%p cannot create neighbour cache statisticscannot create neighbour proc dir entrycannot allocate neighbour cache hashes<3>NEIGH: Registering multiple tables for family %d <2>neighbour leakage retrans_timeanycast_delayproxy_delaylocktimeUnable to register rtnetlink message handler, protocol = %d, message type = %d <4>A link change request failed with some changes committed already. Interface %s may have been left with an inconsistent configuration, please check. rtnl-link-%s%s%%drtnetlink_init: cannot allocate rta_buf rtnetlink_init: cannot initialize rtnetlink 0123456789abcdefABCDEFnet/core/filter.cUnknown code:%u jt:%u tf:%u k:%u INTERFACE=%sIFINDEX=%dnotpresentlowerlayerdowntestingdormantaddr_assign_typeaddr_lendev_idifaliasiflinkifindexbroadcastcarrierduplexoperstatetx_queue_lennetdev_grouprx_packetstx_packetsrx_bytestx_bytesrx_errorstx_errorsrx_droppedtx_droppedmulticastcollisionsrx_length_errorsrx_over_errorsrx_crc_errorsrx_frame_errorsrx_fifo_errorsrx_missed_errorstx_aborted_errorstx_carrier_errorstx_fifo_errorstx_heartbeat_errorstx_window_errorsrx_compressedtx_compressedeth%d<7>%s: unable to resolve type %X addresses. net/sched/sch_generic.c<6>NETDEV WATCHDOG: %s (%s): transmit queue %u timed out <4>Dead loop on netdevice %s, fix it urgently! <4>BUG %s code %d qlen %d activation failed netlinknlk->cb_mutexnet-pf-%d-proto-%d<3>Freeing alive netlink socket %p sk Eth Pid Groups Rmem Wmem Dump Locks Drops Inode %pK %-3d %-6d %08x %-8d %-8d %pK %-8d %-8d %-8lu include/net/sock.hnetlink_add_usersock_entry: Cannot allocate listeners netlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table GENL: Cannot initialize generic netlink GENL: Cannot register controller: %d cannot create netfilter proc entrycannot initialize nf_queuecannot initialize nf_log%2lld NONE (%2lld %s (NONE%2lld NONE %2lld %s rt_cacheentries in_hit in_slow_tot in_slow_mc in_no_route in_brd in_martian_dst in_martian_src out_hit out_slow_tot out_slow_mc gc_total gc_ignored gc_goal_miss gc_dst_overflow in_hlist_search out_hlist_search %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %-127s Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Source MTU Window IRTT TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst%s %08X %08X %8X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u %02X %d %1d %08X%n%*s <7>ip_rt_bug: %pI4 -> %pI4, %s <4>dst cache overflow <4>Neighbour table failure & not caching routes. <4>%s: %d rebuilds is over limit, route caching disabled <4>Route hash chain too long! <4>ipv4: Neighbour table overflow. include/net/inetpeer.h<2>Bug in ip_route_input_slow(). Please, report <7>rt_bind_peer(0) @%p ip_dst_cacheIP route cache<3>Unable to create route proc files inet_peer_cache<6>source route option %pI4 -> %pI4 <3>ip_frag_create: no memory left ! net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c<3>IP: queue_glue: no memory for gluing queue %p <6>Oversized IP packet from %pI4. ipfrag_max_dist<2>ip_forward(): Argh! Destination lost! <7>ip_finish_output2: No header cache and no neighbour! <6>IP: frag: no memory for new fragment! include/net/ip.hnet/ipv4/inet_hashtables.cnet/ipv4/inet_timewait_sock.cnet/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.cinclude/net/request_sock.hnet/ipv4/tcp.c<6>TCP: too many of orphaned sockets cleanup rbuf bug: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X recvmsg bug: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X fl %X recvmsg bug 2: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X fl %X <7>TCP(%s:%d): Application bug, race in MSG_PEEK. tcp_bind_bucketTCP establishedTCP bind<6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established %u bind %u) <3>%s: Impossible, sk->sk_state=%d <6>tcp_parse_options: Illegal window scaling value %d >14 received. <7>prune_queue: c=%x <7>ofo packet was already received <7>ofo requeuing : rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>partial packet: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>out of order segment: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>Leak l=%u %d <7>Leak s=%u %d <7>Leak r=%u %d <7>Ack %u after %u:%u <7>Ack %u before %u:%u <7>retrans_out leaked. <7>tcp_send_synack: wrong queue state <6>Out of socket memory net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c<7>TCP: Peer %pI4:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired) %-*s sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %lu %lu %u %u %d%n%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %u %d %pK%n%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %pK%n<6>%s: Possible SYN flooding on port %d. %s. Check SNMP counters. Dropping requestTCP<7>TCP: drop open request from %pI4/%u Failed to create the TCP control socket. tcp<3>TCP %s does not implement required ops <5>TCP %s already registered <6>TCP %s registered tcp_%sraw sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %d <6>%s forgot to set AF_INET in raw sendmsg. Fix it! sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops%5d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %d%n<7>udp cork app bug 2 <7>udp cork app bug 3 <4>UDPLITE: partial coverage %d while full coverage %d requested <4>UDPLITE: coverage %d too small, need min %d <7>UDPLITE: zeroed checksum field <7>UDPLITE: bad csum coverage %d/%d <7>UDP%s: short packet: From %pI4:%u %d/%d to %pI4:%u <7>UDP%s: bad checksum. From %pI4:%u to %pI4:%u ulen %d UDPudpUDP-Lite<3>%s: Cannot register /proc! <2>%s: Cannot add UDP-Lite protocol. udpliteIP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device %-16s 0x%-10x0x%-10x%s * %s 00:00:00:00:00:00<7>trying to ucast probe in NUD_INVALID <7>arp_find is called with dst==NULL <7>ARP: arp called for own IP address arp_cache<6>Wrong address mask %pI4 from %s/%pI4 <6>ICMP: %pI4: fragmentation needed and DF set. <6>ICMP: %pI4: Source Route Failed. <4>%pI4 sent an invalid ICMP type %u, code %u error to a broadcast: %pI4 on %s <7>inetdev_event: bug <3>Freeing alive in_device %p accept_localsrc_valid_markproxy_arp_pvlan<3>Attempt to override permanent protocol %d. <3>Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d. <2>inet_init: Cannot add ICMP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add UDP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add TCP protocol Failed to create the ICMP control socket. <2>inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mibs net-pf-%d-proto-%d-type-%d<3>Attempt to release TCP socket in state %d %p <3>Attempt to release alive inet socket %p <6>%s(): shifting inet->saddr from %pI4 to %pI4 <3>Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d. mcfilterigmp%3s %6s %10s %10s %6s %6s IdxMCASRCINCEXC%3d %6.6s 0x%08x 0x%08x %6lu %6lu Idx Device : Count Querier Group Users Timer Reporter %d %-10s: %5d %7s %08X %5d %d:%08lX %d net/ipv4/igmp.c<4>fib_add_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL <4>fib_del_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL <4>fib_del_ifaddr: bug: iprim != prim <4>Freeing alive fib_info %p Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT%s %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%n* %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%nLocal: Main: Id %d: Basic info: size of leaf: %Zd bytes, size of tnode: %Zd bytes. Aver depth: %u.%02d Max depth: %u Leaves: %u Prefixes: %u Internal nodes: %u %u: %u Pointers: %u Null ptrs: %u Total size: %u kB universesitenowhere +-- %pI4/%d %d %d %d |-- %pI4 scope=%dtype %u /%d %s %s tos=%d<4>fib_trie tp=%p pos=%d, bits=%d, key=%0x plen=%d ip_fib_aliasip_fib_triefib_triestatUNSPECUNICASTLOCALBROADCASTANYCASTMULTICASTBLACKHOLEUNREACHABLEPROHIBITTHROWNATXRESOLVEnet/ipv4/inet_fragment.cip_local_reserved_portstcp_available_congestion_controltcp_cookie_sizetcp_thin_linear_timeoutstcp_thin_dupackudp_memudp_rmem_minudp_wmem_minrt_cache_rebuild_countping_group_rangesnmpnetstatsockstat TcpExt: IpExt:TCP: inuse %d orphan %d tw %d alloc %d mem %ld UDP: inuse %d mem %ld UDPLITE: inuse %d RAW: inuse %d FRAG: inuse %d memory %d OutIn IcmpMsg: %sType%uIp: Forwarding DefaultTTL Ip: %d %d Icmp: InMsgs InErrors In%s OutMsgs OutErrors Out%s Icmp: %lu %lu Tcp: Udp: UdpLite:SyncookiesSentSyncookiesRecvSyncookiesFailedEmbryonicRstsPruneCalledRcvPrunedOfoPrunedOutOfWindowIcmpsLockDroppedIcmpsArpFilterTWTWRecycledTWKilledPAWSPassivePAWSActivePAWSEstabDelayedACKsDelayedACKLockedDelayedACKLostListenOverflowsListenDropsTCPPrequeuedTCPDirectCopyFromBacklogTCPDirectCopyFromPrequeueTCPPrequeueDroppedTCPHPHitsTCPHPHitsToUserTCPPureAcksTCPHPAcksTCPRenoRecoveryTCPSackRecoveryTCPSACKRenegingTCPFACKReorderTCPSACKReorderTCPRenoReorderTCPTSReorderTCPFullUndoTCPPartialUndoTCPDSACKUndoTCPLossUndoTCPLossTCPLostRetransmitTCPRenoFailuresTCPSackFailuresTCPLossFailuresTCPFastRetransTCPForwardRetransTCPSlowStartRetransTCPTimeoutsTCPRenoRecoveryFailTCPSackRecoveryFailTCPSchedulerFailedTCPRcvCollapsedTCPDSACKOldSentTCPDSACKOfoSentTCPDSACKRecvTCPDSACKOfoRecvTCPAbortOnSynTCPAbortOnDataTCPAbortOnCloseTCPAbortOnMemoryTCPAbortOnTimeoutTCPAbortOnLingerTCPAbortFailedTCPMemoryPressuresTCPSACKDiscardTCPDSACKIgnoredOldTCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndoTCPSpuriousRTOsTCPMD5NotFoundTCPMD5UnexpectedTCPSackShiftedTCPSackMergedTCPSackShiftFallbackTCPBacklogDropTCPMinTTLDropTCPDeferAcceptDropIPReversePathFilterTCPTimeWaitOverflowTCPReqQFullDoCookiesTCPReqQFullDropInNoRoutesInTruncatedPktsInMcastPktsOutMcastPktsInBcastPktsOutBcastPktsInOctetsOutOctetsInMcastOctetsOutMcastOctetsInBcastOctetsOutBcastOctetsInReceivesInHdrErrorsInAddrErrorsForwDatagramsInUnknownProtosInDiscardsInDeliversOutRequestsOutDiscardsOutNoRoutesReasmTimeoutReasmReqdsReasmOKsReasmFailsFragOKsFragFailsFragCreatesRtoAlgorithmRtoMinRtoMaxMaxConnActiveOpensPassiveOpensAttemptFailsEstabResetsCurrEstabInSegsOutSegsRetransSegsInErrsOutRstsInDatagramsNoPortsOutDatagramsRcvbufErrorsSndbufErrorsDestUnreachsTimeExcdsParmProbsSrcQuenchsRedirectsEchosEchoRepsTimestampsTimestampRepsAddrMasksAddrMaskRepsBOOTPRARPDHCP#PROTO: %s #MANUAL domain %s nameserver %pI4 bootserver %pI4 <4>DHCP: vendorclass too long, truncated to "%s"anybootp<3>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring fragmented reply. <3>DHCP/BOOTP: Reply not for us, op[%x] xid[%x] <3>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring delayed packet and pnp<3>IP-Config: Failed to open %s <4>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring device %s, MTU %d too small<3>IP-Config: Device `%s' not found. <3>IP-Config: No network devices available. <3>IP-Config: Incomplete network configuration information. <3>DHCP/BOOTP: No suitable device found. <5>Sending %s%s%s requests .Unknown ARP type 0x%04x for device %s OK timed out! .IP-Config: Got %s answer from %pI4, my address is %pI4 <3>IP-Config: Reopening network devices... <3>IP-Config: Auto-configuration of network failed. <3>IP-Config: Unable to guess netmask for address %pI4 IP-Config: Guessing netmask %pI4 <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface address (%d). <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface netmask (%d). <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface broadcast address (%d). <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface mtu to %d (%d). <3>IP-Config: Gateway not on directly connected network. <3>IP-Config: Cannot add default route (%d). IP-Config: Complete: device=%s, addr=%pI4, mask=%pI4, gw=%pI4, host=%s, domain=%s, nis-domain=%s, bootserver=%pI4, rootserver=%pI4, rootpath=%s, mtu=%dtcp_cubicNum RefCount Protocol Flags Type St Inode Path %pK: %08X %08X %08X %04X %02X %5lunet/unix/af_unix.c&u->readlock<6>Attempt to release alive unix socket: %p <2>%s: Cannot create unix_sock SLAB cache! packetsk RefCnt Type Proto Iface R Rmem User Inode %pK %-6d %-4d %04x %-5d %1d %-6u %-6u %-6lu TPACKET version not supported. <3>packet size is too long (%d > %d) <3>packet size is too short (%d < %d) <3>Packet exceed the number of skb frags(%lu) ERROR-pbd[%d]:%p ERROR block:%p is NOT FREE status:%d kactive_blk_num:%d &po->pg_vec_lockTx-ring is not supported. <3>packet_mmap: vma is busy: %d TPACKET version not supported <3>Attempt to release alive packet socket: %p net/sysctl_net.clib/klist.c5r00000 ;Ȋ0<Ȋ0>Ȋ0Z ?Ȋ0=5Ȋ0=5Ȋ0=50">50i N50!Y5z0`L010H0?09ǡ0G ǡ0A0ǡ00|ߡ0Wߡ0o0X <)0Q )0%)0`)0I$0ȿ0@0T"0T"0v 20 @0 @0(202020 W0NL 20 t!20\#20&204d:u0@;u00?u0{5u0dR00h0O 0v0+80Nl0̢0̢0̢0̢0 t̢0c؜̢0Q~5̢0Hۢ0Xۢ0ۢ0&ۢ00ۢ0ۢ0ۢ0&ۢ0Eۢ0Hۢ0KDۢ00x050 0l00d00t000P0 h0 0 04 0< 0= 0 0 0 )0 07"0@%0{T%0|,(0l (0 +0 /0 10  5050303040$6060 90,:0?\:0H:0l4;0z;0J0508K0U܅50 50 0~450\0*]0+]0H]0I)%0e0e%0AHe%0Bg%0g%05%05%0H5%05%05%05%05%0P5%0 5%0L5%05%0p5%0yp10 =0ԁ=0{Ԃ=0P =0=0==0?Ț=0@=0A=0T =0==0L=0 =0 =0 I0QXI0lpI0T0$T0T0T0T0I T0J T0- pT0< T0 0T0 T0 ^0\l0`l0l0l0 l0Zll0Bl0#v06Pv0v0Wv0Xv0Y v0 v04 v0!v0"v0K4$v0P(%v0+H%v0,T%v0-`%v0.x%v0%v0%v0&v0$&v0l&v0@(v0(v0(v08*v05d-v0\.v0.v0/v0:02:0J50850H50`50$50-50750850Q 50a\D0u8I0lI0K0L50M8Z0 Z0 [0 \0 T\0 xg0[px0&l0m 0P0`0$00x0n h0Q ()0 ؗ)0% )0> P50k)0vL0L00 5050V450c50Lo 1io 15Pm1Jy 1y 1Uy 1y 1Xy 1\y 1y 1P5 1NI1(J1hJ1J1L1L1N1P1-P1.S1)1h^1gd15@d1yf1ho1yTr1~11y<1 1;) 1 1 1 1<8 1Vh 1} 1 1 14 1V 1w8 1 1h 1k 1l 1 1e 1f4 1!  1X *1*1,*18*14 *1x *1 *1 *1 *1D *1O 1( Z1\x Z1# 1J$) 1w6 1}G 1P 1 [ 11[ 1Hd 11Pe 1He 11 f 1Hą 1 1 1D  1U ' 1 ' 1 ' 1e ' 1f ' 1g ' 1h ' 1i ' 1} L ' 1X ' 1 ' 1 ' 1<X ' 1M ' 1W0 ' 1z ' 1\ ' 1\ ' 1 ' 1p ' 1 ' 1. 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