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If there is only one slave on the bus a reset followed by ROM READ (0x33) should read the slave's 64 bit ROM code: 'w1_bbtest -b -i 33 -r 8'. To read a temperature from a DS18B20, first start the conversion with 'w1_bbtest -b -i cc,44' (SKIP ROM, START CONVERSION) then read the scratchpad with 'w1_bbtest -b -i cc,be -r 9 -c'. The CRC should be 0 and the temperature is in the first two bytes returned. For parasitic mode on a DS18B20 add '-f' to the start the conversion command. w1_search77w1_getbit\>  h((hp@ - ),(ooo)444444444444444444444444444444@GCC: (Debian 4.3.2-1) 4.3.2GCC: (Debian 4.3.2-1) 4.3.2GCC: (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2GCC: (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2GCC: (Debian 4.3.2-1) 4.3.2GCC: (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2GCC: (Debian 4.3.2-1) 4.3.2,4 h0$"( p !u_IO_stdin_used main]O B=Qint8X)|OK'/build/buildd/glibc-2.7/build-tree/armel-libc/csu/crti.S/build/buildd/glibc-2.7/build-tree/glibc-2.7/csuGNU AS 2.18.0]w 0BO =Qint88aCoZ X - Z# # # # # O# # V# # #$ #( k #, ;"#0 $#4 &Z#8 *Z#< ,z#@ 70>#D I1L#F 2#G 6#H ?#P &H#X -I#\ 4J#` ;K#d BL%#h rNZ#l MP#p  x  C# :# WZ#   ' 7 iz8 {# |# 3o 4Z# 5Z# 6#%__sZ%$%__s##Z#Z%%0%;__s//Z/Z/Z1%es__sddZdZ*q__sooZoZpZ0 Zx,wsp+ 8u7jucptjlentZkvZjvZbw7mw7resw7 p77res7 Zk Z65Z&?>Z+]ZĊIv]ZtZkZTnumZVnZUlĊtshjĊ$ vZ!$ b7.ZL"ZUkZT!d|#ZTj[b[v$resZ%k#(ZTresZT&Z'(!Ȍ#]ZlresZT! 81Z inparr iZm ZkZjZmZoffZh0lcpcpc2p@ (* ())*+( )))*+*)")) )*+.( (j ))*+( )))*+*)")) )*+.( ( )f)Z)N*))))(s (9 ))*+(U )))*+*)")) )*+.*( ))*+( )))*+*)")) )*+. 7 Z ,-!IZ# bJ# 3 7Z wsp66 k8Z9ZX:Za;7;7;7;7%m bn# .Zl11Zj|$chZ$optZK$kZ$jZ"q&\Z&ZD&MZq&Z&EZW&Z& Z$ret Zt"f 8"< Larri/$/D0@;r)5))))12A 2M`2W+a+k3wp2A 2 +3y4H + + + 5`)")) )1x+.4(+ + + 5s))))Ȓ+++6Ȓ)))Ȓ+!؎k70DK)7XlB)!Pl80 q13 }0 0)))125 2?V 2I +S2]7 7|J)03 })Q )E 1+] 2g 2s  2 + 2 _ 2 2 0 13 }7uh12 2/ 2X !Pp!7 tn)))t25k 2?~ 2I +S2] ܛ"D7)6ܛ!ܛ' 7, 8I/89Z*8:Z*8U<=ܨ8Z|*8Z*8Z*8Z*8Z*"̨"1Ԩ96999u ;9 IZS/build/buildd/glibc-2.7/build-tree/armel-libc/csu/crtn.S/build/buildd/glibc-2.7/build-tree/glibc-2.7/csuGNU AS 2.18.0% $ > $ > $ > 4: ; I?  &IU%% : ; I$ > $ > I!I/ $ >   I  : ;  : ;I8 : ; : ; I8 &I.? : ;' I : ;I: ;I4: ;I.: ;' .: ; ' .: ;' .: ;' I 4: ;I .: ;' @: ;I.: ; ' I@: ; I4: ; I 4: ;I   : ;I!1X Y"4: ;I #.: ;' I@$4: ;I%4I4  &4: ;I'1UX Y( )1* +41,!I/-.: ;I ..? : ;' I@/ : ;01UX Y1 U241341 4 U51UX Y61X Y71X Y84: ; I 94: ; I? < U%# init.cO /build/buildd/glibc-2.7/build-tree/armel-libc/csucrti.S//0////0//3//h/B /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/include/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/include/bits/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.3.2/includew1_bbtest.cstdlib.hstring2.hstddef.htypes.hlibio.hstdio.htime.hgetopt.h/-/1c<2//z.405y .-K-2w=I-0/KK~g-fje/-h~J~3)3-/e/ fgvfK$~..~.hggK~fg/-KL1K~fg/-/LfPf0.l.d...Pf0.P.0.P.0JZzsJz{N{fjtf~JMN*29Jggrffq.k/-/K-/KL J{JFfJgvJi|J-/2-K2Ag-2׃-K.Of fK6J~JEKg./-}JNLgfp..u.l.|f.@.|JoJfSfMvJ~J.-K/J1k iK}JaJ".^.KK1mx.K5.}f_f".^.$J1.}.,0H0.I/IL}l*0-0*2*Hfg}.}.KJ}./(oxLM/pJf{g/g/@hg.|/8 /-/Ku<2I/-M f|/K,0,J-/-iiK}fzֻvJ~J}<zK{JۻnKg}.)*0-0*2*HPzf//e-0z.cJ{tz{J.{.s<|wO /build/buildd/glibc-2.7/build-tree/armel-libc/csucrtn.S(//p!// | \DHDPĊ`D$lDHDHTD HdD,l|D$DD GNU C 4.3.2short unsigned intshort int_IO_stdin_usedlong long unsigned intunsigned char/build/buildd/glibc-2.7/build-tree/glibc-2.7/csuinit.clong long intlastJunction_shortbuf_IO_lock_tstderr_IO_buf_end__FUNCTION__zero_test_IO_write_endread_1bit_flagsthe_endin_lencleanup_foxg20_pinshigh_time_markersread1bitdo_search_posbus_resetw1so_IO_save_endclear_search_objectjunctioncmd_lenw1_dataw1_search_obj_tw1_writew1_crc8new_addrp_IO_backup_baselow_timew1_response_len_filenotv_nsecsize_tw1_dir_in_IO_read_basew1_resetargcstdinrom_id_nextversion_strsummaryw1_read_bittimespec_mode_IO_marker_IO_read_ptr__a0__a1__a2_IO_write_base__nptrdo_force_IO_save_base__strspn_c2/home/dougg/fox/netus/debian/mikkelplus_io__quad_texhaustedoptindcommand__pad1__pad2__pad3__pad4__pad5_vtable_offsetdonew1_delay_usmax_arr_lenoptargargv__result__accept1__accept2__accept3w1_read_IO_read_endkmaskval_w1w1_pinunexp_w1usagenotaw1_setbit_locktv_secdir_w1_old_offset_IO_FILE__acceptinit_foxg20_pinread_hex_sbuflinecheck_crc_IO_write_ptrmicrosecondsw1_write_bitw1_bbtest.caddr__time_tstatew1_depowerstdoutw1_getbitw1_searchretriesoptstr__off_tkbyteverbosedelay_req__strspn_c1__strspn_c3mainatoi_chain_flags2__strpbrk_c2__strpbrk_c3_cur_column__off64_t_unused2_IO_buf_base] } \} P4@P\`]`p}p }\PPP P\QQ Q ]l} Plp]px}x}lPVlQW]}}P DPLPPT`P]} P},T4PTPT]T}]}$}0}P\ Y Y (YH0YQ0}(00i@ H S\ p St x S S S S S S(0SDHSP,P ,PDPPPPPP(0PPPP8 VT 4\\TW(T(HVPP<dV\tTT$,T@ Y(HY<dYW  W(xW| W WHLWdhWWWW W<hW0W},$i$0},@}0@tit( }0( i }0 i }0HiH}0DiD0}0 Z@ Z Z (ZHZdZ0Z T}4T$i$0}4d}8dtit}8<i<}8(i(}8i}8,i,0}8L}